Wake Up Calls And Fangirling

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The day started just like any other day. 

Or at least it did for the Avengers that were already awake. They had cartoonishly woken up to find the sun streaming through their windows and birds chirping in trees nearby. Steve was in such a jolly mood he decided to make breakfast for everyone (even though he always cooks breakfast for everyone). 

But Tony, who was always the last Avenger to wake up, was startled awake. Well, that's not true. He woke up naturally it was just what he woke up to that startled him.

Like every other day, Tony started it by pulling his boyfriend closer to him and complaining about it being morning already (even though the billionaire commonly got up closer to noon). Only when Tony wrapped his arm around his lover's waist he was met with curves and when Tony rested his chin on the other's shoulder, he was met with longer than normal black hair. 

Tony was now officially awake.

He sat up in bed, checking out the person laying next to him. The brunette knew for sure that when he went to bed last night it was with his boyfriend and not this chick (who did look an awful lot like his boyfriend just with, you know, lady parts). Testing to make sure the lady wasn't dead, Tony poked her. She hummed in acknowledgment. She was already awake!

"Uh, hi," Tony greeted awkwardly, carefully choosing his words. "Who the hell are you?"

The lady laughed, setting the book she was reading aside and sitting up. "Good morning, Anthony," she greeted with a smile, looking directly into Tony's soft brown eyes.

Tony narrowed his eyes at her. He didn't like being called by his full name; not after his father used to scream it throughout the house whenever Tony did something bad. The only person allowed to do that was--

And then it hit him: the reason why she looked so familiar. This woman sitting next to him was his boyfriend. His shapeshifting, mischief making, Norse deity of a boyfriend. Or girlfriend, now, apparently.

"Loki?" he asked, quieter than intended. The woman nodded. "But what. . ." Tony's eyes traced the definite curves his now girlfriend had and the soft lines to her face. She was currently gnawing on her bottom lip, her eyebrows worrying.

"Anthony, darling, did I ever mention I am genderfluid?" Loki nearly whispered. Even the sound of her old Shakespearean-ish tone was light and feminine.

Tony shook his head. "I think I'd remember you telling me something as important as that." He cupped her cheeks, his thumb drawing across her bone. "Why the sudden change? Not that it's a bad change! It's just a change I have to get used to. And I will get used to it. I promise."

Loki smiled faintly, her hand resting atop Tony's. "It's just. . ." She shrugged. "I've been male for so long." Tony nodded, encouraging her to continue. "And I finally feel at home here with the Avengers. . . with you." Tony smiled. Loki shrugged again. Her green magic shimmered around her before fading, revealing his former self. "I'm sorry. I don't know why I thought I could do that." Tony kissed him softly.

"Hey. I don't care if you're male or female or. . . a horse!" Loki raised an eyebrow. Tony shrugged. "My point is, I love you for you. And whether that be the man I fell for or the woman I will continue to love, it doesn't matter. Babe, you do you. Who am I to stop you? I'm just a man who dresses up in metal suits." Loki laughed and, once again, his magic shimmered around him before revealing her once more. Tony smiled warmly. "Thatta girl." Loki rolled her dazzling green eyes.

"I'm not a dog, Anthony." 

Tony laughed as he stood up and stretched before heading to their walk-in closet. Loki watched him go from where she sat on the bed, her fingers running through her soft ebony hair. Now that she is in fact a she, Loki should invest in getting clothes to fit her now curved figure. However, just for the sake of irritating her boyfriend, Loki will continue stealing Tony's clothes (even though they are shorter than her tall stature).

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