Mystery Mans

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The rest of the week came and went, each day as peacefully uneventful as the last, until it was Friday. The entire tower buzzed with excitement. Everyone was eager to finally meet Clint's mystery man (and perhaps learn the story behind why he stayed so far away). But no one was as curious as Wanda. There had to be a reason for Clint to want her of all people to tag along. Of course there was the running thought of it being Pietro but she tried to push that to the back of her mind. It couldn't be Pietro because he was dead. And no one can come back from the dead.

Well, aside from Phil Coulson.

Alright maybe Loki too.

And the world thought Steve and Bucky were dead so perhaps them too.

But aside from those four, no one can come back from the dead. If she continued to believe such crazy ideas, she'd only be setting herself up for disappointment. So Wanda remained in bed, curled up next to Natasha, for the longest time. If she appeared to be asleep when Clint's mystery man's flight came in, then hopefully Clint wouldn't drag her along. She trusted Clint and she trusted his belief in her wanting to come, but deep down she had already psyched herself out so if it wasn't Pietro she'd be thoroughly disappointed.

Natasha hummed a soft melody she used to dance to in the Red Room as she stroked Wanda's hair. Wanda cracked one eye open to see if Natasha was watching her. She was. Wanda groaned softly as she opened both eyes. Natasha smiled down at Wanda, continuing to stroke her hair.

"Morning beautiful," she whispered. Wanda smiled softly.

"Right back at you," Wanda countered. Natasha laughed, her lips forming a smirk when she was done. "I suppose you caught me." Natasha nodded and went back to humming. Wanda sighed, curling closer to Natasha's side. Natasha leaned down and kissed the top of her head. "Promise me you won't tell Clint I'm awake?" Natasha laughed.

"Why won't you just go with him?" Wanda looked up, an eyebrow raised. "He's promised you and now I'm promising that when Clint's boyfriend walks through airport gates and approaches the two of you, you will be glad you came with." Wanda frowned slightly. Natasha pecked her lips but kept her face close to Wanda's. "You will regret it if you don't go," she whispered, kissing her one more time before resting her head against the headboard. "Might be your only chance to have him to yourself before the rest of the team gets to him." Wanda hummed in thought. Natasha went back to stroking her hair.

"I'm assuming that means you know who it is?"

Natasha smirked. "Honey, I know everything that goes on in Clint's life." Wanda pulled away from her side so she could look at Natasha's face. Natasha raised an eyebrow and peered at Wanda. "Yes, I know who it is." Wanda opened her mouth to speak but Natasha pressed her index finger against her lips. "If you want to know then you'll have to either go with Clint or wait here just like everyone else." Wanda pouted. Natasha kissed her temple. "So just go," Wanda huffed and crossed her arms. Natasha laughed. "Pouting isn't going to do you any good."

"I'm not pouting," Wanda defended, turning her head to the side and then lifting it up. Natasha eyed her. "But I suppose I'll go with Clint." Natasha smiled softly. She kissed her temple one last time before sliding out of bed and over to the closet. Wanda watched as her girlfriend sorted through their clothes. "Are you picking out clothes for you or me?" Natasha laughed.

"For me. But I suppose I can get clothes out for you as well."

Wanda smiled and continued watching her. Natasha flicked through a few more shirts before settling on two and pulling them out of the closet--but leaving the hangers on the rack. She flung Wanda's shirt at her before tugging her own off. Wanda slid out of bed and started getting dressed.

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