Lunch Time With Avengers

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Thor, Clint, and Sam awkwardly made their way down to the training room. Yes, they were eavesdropping but they decided to leave when the conversation got louder. The father-son duo needed to be alone to deal with their issues by themselves. But that was a topic of conversation they were definitely get back to when the dust settled (Sam was curious). With nowhere else to go, they decided upon the training room.

At first, they all went out on their own. Thor set up the dummy system and worked with Mjolnir while dummies randomly sprang up for him to knock back down. Clint, obviously, broke out his bow and headed to the target range. Sam, with not much to do without his wings, went for the punching bags in the corner just for a quick workout. Now that he lived with the Avengers and with the luxurious lifestyle they all have, he'll have to workout often if he wants to keep his superhero physique. 

Of course after what felt like an hour in awkward silence, the men slowly banded together again.

"Okay, clearly we only came down here to get away from that conversation and not to actually workout," Sam stated. The two blondes nodded. "So why don't we go out for lunch instead? It gets us out of the house and gives us something to do." 

Clint looked to Thor before shrugging and nodding. "I could eat," he admitted. "I skipped breakfast to play Mario Kart." Sam clapped his hands, rubbing them together, and smiled. He then, along with Clint, looked over to Thor who slowly raised an eyebrow.

"Are you awaiting my answer?" They nodded. Thor let out a deep laugh, a hand on his stomach, his face lighting up. "Have you ever known me to pass up a meal?" Clint looked to Sam and nudged his arm with his elbow. Sam, in turn, glanced to Clint with a raised eyebrow.

"Why are elbowing me like I was the only one stupid enough to think he'd say no? We both did it; we were both the stupid one." Clint pouted but didn't protest. "Alright, who's paying?" Clint and Thor exchanged a look this time.

"It was your suggestion, Wilson. I believe that means you're paying." Sam groaned as the three made their way to the elevator. Clint grasped his shoulder. "Don't worry man, it's not like you invited Thor out to eat," he remarked. "Oh wait." Clint smiled. "You did. My bad." Sam glared at him. "Should we invite the two super soldiers out as well? That would certainly lower the cost." Sam shoved the archer's arm off his shoulder and sharpened his glare at him.

"Don't make me regret this, Barton," Sam threatened. Clint's smile grew.

Thor laughed as he pressed the button for the elevator. The three waited a few moments before the elevator doors opened and they stepped in. Soft music played while the men went up. It wasn't always soft music that played in the elevator; it used to be AC/DC and Metallica that Tony made JARVIS play as muzak. But ever since Loki and Tony got together the music seemed to change to the peaceful classical music she adored. Not that anyone else was complaining or anything. In fact, they actually liked this much better than what it was before. Which is why no one brought it up; not even Loki who knew the change was because she simply asked. But she also knew Tony would've changed it for anyone had they simply asked. 

When the elevator doors opened once again, the three stepped out and all climbed into Sam's car sitting in the garage. Obviously Sam drove, which left Clint in the passengers seat and Thor in the back. It wasn't because Sam favored Clint more than Thor (he definitely didn't--he favors them both equally); it was just that Thor took up more room than Clint and the backseat provided that room. The men didn't say much on the car ride there; the only noise that filled the car came from the radio which Clint kept messing with, much to Sam's dislike.

"Will you stop that?" he eventually snapped, swatting Clint's hand away. The archer pouted and slowly retreated his hand. Without taking his eyes off the rode, Sam fixed the radio station. "The radio was perfect as is. Do I go into the training room and start messing with your bow?"

"You mess with my bow and I will cut your hand off," Clint threatened, jabbing a finger in Sam's direction. Thor laughed; he always found their interactions amusing. Sam shot Clint a glare before looking back to the road. "But I see your point. 'M sorry." Sam nodded, acknowledging the apology. Clint took that as an apology accepted and just left it at that. He turned to look at Thor who was just staring out the window. "Whatcha doing back there? Other then admiring the sky." Thor looked over to the archer.

"Nothing of importance, Agent Barton," he admitted. "I was just admiring your realm's flora and fauna." He offered Clint a charming smile. "It is truly beautiful when you Midgardians are not killing it." Clint's eyes widened. He wasn't expecting the thunder god to care so much about nature. Or maybe he should've. Thunder is part of nature after all. Nonetheless, his surprise increased when Thor started laughing. "Do not fret, Eye of Hawk, we all play a part in killing the environment. It is not just you." Thor leaned forward in his seat and patted Clint's shoulder. Clint nodded along before stopping and narrowing his eyes at the blonde when he remembered something.

"I live on a farm!" he reminded. "I'm not killing the environment!" Thor laughed and continued to pat Clint's shoulder. He looked to Thor's hand, confused. "Thor, I'm really not!" Thor nodded and smiled.

"Sure you aren't. I totally believe you," Thor agreed. However, the wink on 'totally' did not sway Clint into believing Thor actually believed him. "Whatever you say." Sam snickered as he pulled into a parking spot.

"Thor. I'm not kidding. I'm not killing the environment." When the car stopped, the three men climbed out of the car. Thor continued smiling Clint's way, not calming the archer down what-so-ever. "I'm not!" Thor just nodded and shared a smirk with Sam as they made their way to the restaurant door. Clint huffed and rolled his eyes. 

The three walked in and were almost immediately sat down due to their popularity (and the fact that there was hardly anyone there). After the waitress took down their drink orders, the three heroes started flipping through the menu, trying to decide what they were in the mood for. Thor frowned as he looked through all of the options. Sam and Clint knew what they were getting so they looked up to find the upset thunder god. Clint closed his menu and glanced to Sam, an eyebrow raised. Sam shrugged, snapping his menu shut as well. 

"What's wrong, Thor?" Sam asked, looking back to him. Thor looked up, his frown deeper.

"I miss Asgardian food," he admitted softly. "Don't get me wrong, I love your Midgardian foods--especially the tarts that are popped--but sometimes I quite prefer the taste of home." Sam and Clint nodded in agreement before the first turned to the latter, confused.

"Dude, you were raised in the circus." Clint nodded along. "What foods remind you of home? Peanuts and cotton candy?"

Clint gasped. "That is not true!" he exclaimed, deeply offended. Sam raised an eyebrow. Clint lasted another minute of looking offended before he sank. "Okay, maybe it is true," he muttered. Sam smiled victoriously. "But they were good peanuts and bags of cotton candy!" Sam rolled his eyes as they all laughed. "Why are you picking on me?" Clint whined. Sam shrugged.

"Bucky's not here. I have to pick on someone," he offered. Clint groaned and rolled his eyes. "You're the next best thing." Thor laughed causing Sam to smile. "Perhaps one day we can all take a trip to Asgard," Sam suggested, looking back to Thor. The Asgardian nodded and smiled. "You talk so much about your mom, I'd love to meet her. And you've been on our home realm for so long--it's only fair we visit yours."

"That sounds like a brilliant idea, Wilson! Perhaps we shall venture to Asgard in the foreseeable future. We would have to discuss it further with the rest of the team before making a final decision." They all nodded before ordering their food once the waitress came back with their drinks. "You truly aren't as stupid as Barnes makes you out to be," Thor admitted, gesturing with his straw at Sam before taking a sip of his soda. Sam's eyes went wide.

"Bucky called me stupid?" Thor nodded. Clint glanced between the two as if watching a tennis match, sipping his lemonade from the straw. Sam clenched his fist. "Oh that man's gonna get what's coming to him." The blondes started laughing. "I'll deal with Steve later." Clint gripped his shoulder.

"Good luck with that, man. Steve's lost enough in his life that he might just kill you if you mess with Bucky." 

Sam shrugged. "I can live with that." Everyone started laughing harder. "I'll walk it off like the old man told you too." Clint laughed the loudest at that. He knew a certain silver-haired Sokovian waiting his chance to tell Steve he walked it off. 

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