'Cause Baby You Were Born This Way

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Loki had never seen so many rainbows before in her life. And that's saying something since she grew up in a realm with a rainbow bridge. But today, her brain was one rainbow short of gay short circuiting as she took in everything in front, around, and behind her. Short circuiting in a good way, though! In a 'I can't believe Midgardians have come so far and can be so open about their sexuality' way. Definitely not in a 'how dare people be openly proud of who they are' type way. She was sure she couldn't even see it that way even if she tried. Everything was so beautiful and colorful. It was starting to overwhelm her.

"You okay, Reindeer Games?" Tony asked as he came up from behind her and gripped her shoulder.

Loki didn't turn to face him. She wanted to keep her gaze on everything in front of her. There were so many people, all dressed in bright colors; and there definitely were a lot of different colors. People had their flags draped around their shoulders as capes like she did. There were people who wore colors for every sexuality. People who did their makeup in their colors (and damn it. Now Loki wished she had thought of that). People who just wore bracelets. People who just had flags. People who had a little bit of everything.

And then there was her family getting ready behind her. Her family who each had a flag to represent their sexuality because now it was accepted. Her family that was carrying flags and dressed in their colors. Her family who had guys loving guys and girls loving girls and even some guys who loved both. Her family who had someone that understood what it was like to be trapped looking a certain way, being treated a certain way, just because their outward appearance depicted them as a certain gender; but now they're free to look the way they feel.

"Whoa, hey, why are you crying?" Tony whispered, immediately pulling Loki close to his chest and resting his head on Loki's shoulder. "I thought you'd love it here." Loki swallowed and smiled softly. A few tears landed on the back of her hand, alerting her that she was in fact crying. She hadn't even realized she was. Loki's smile grew as she reached up and wiped the tears out of her eyes.

"I do," she admitted, turning her head to look at her boyfriend. "Other than you and Peter, I don't think I can love anything more than this." He smiled warmly and kissed her cheek. She ran her tongue along her bottom lip. "But I've never seen anything like this before." Her eyes were a mix of both sadness and joy; something Tony didn't believe was possible.

Tony breathed in deeply. He hadn't thought of that. Of how at the beginning of the month, Loki had told him she'd been alone. The only Asgardian who didn't care about what pronouns were thrown at them because they, at some point, would go by everything. And going off of that, she was probably the only one who displayed a liking for both men and women; because from what Thor's told Tony, Odin sounds like he was the homophobic asshole every gay kid feared having as a parent, let alone as a ruler. Who knows what Odin might've done--or did do--to those who were proud of themselves. Who knows what Odin has done to Loki for her to no longer feel comfortable within the palace--the place she grew up--to switch forms when she felt like using different pronouns. He might not have ever told his father he was bisexual but that was only because while his father was still alive, Tony didn't know; he still thought he was straight. So Tony can't even begin to imagine coming out to a parent--or anyone close to him for that matter--, someone he's been led to believe would always be there for him, and to have them blatantly tell him they don't support him. 

So Tony didn't say anything. And Loki understood why he didn't say anything.

But they both appreciated him holding onto her just a tad bit tighter and swaying them slowly, keeping their heads pressed together.

"The day I came out, as you Midgardians like to put it--"

"Loki, you don't have to," Tony assured. She took in a deep breath and sighed before offering him a small smile.

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