Midoriya x Reader x Shoto

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(This was more of a venting kinda thing. Also I know Shoto has been in most of my storys lately. Just on a Shoto kick I suppose)

Snoring was all you could hear from your best friend beside you, he had came over to try to cheer you up cause you and your boyfriend Shoto got into a fight again about Momo flirting with him and he still didnt do anything about it. He never tells her to stop and it was just becoming too much and once again you got into a fight and he started to ignore your text messages and you werent gonna go over to his dorm. If he wouldnt text you back. What would the point be? Showing everyone that once again you and Shoto were in a fight.
But luckily for you. You have an amazing support person who came over and stayed with you  and somehow you two fell asleep on your bed. And somehow in the night he had pulled you towards you.

"Plus Ultra.." You heard him mumble in his sleep.

"You're such a weirdo Midoriya" You mumbled back to his sleeping body, as you started running your finger through his hair. You would of moved out of his grip if you thought he would stay asleep. But you didnt wanna risk it.

But when you heard some knocking on the door, you froze. You watched Midoriya face to see if he was gonna wake up. But it seemed like he didnt hear it. Even when a couple more knocks came Midoriya stayed sound asleep. And you werent gonna get up and get the door and risk waking up your best friend. He was up all night with you and your crying self. It was the least you could do to let him sleep in. But the knocking kept on coming. You slightly sighed, hoping whoever it was would go away. Till you heard a click. The door unlocked and in that second that the person who was knocking was shoto. You quickly closed your eyes. Pretending that you were still asleep. You heard foot steps come closer to the bed.

"Of course" You heard him hiss, as he sat down on the end of the bed. "He would be here with her. Every fucking time we fight she always go running to him." He mumbled quietly. He was pissed but he was sure you both were up late, and he might be mad but he wasnt gonna wake you guys up. Even if he was getting madder every moment that past by cause Midoriya had a tight grip on your body. You didnt wanna deal with his bullshit so you decided that you were gonna lay there till Midoriya got up.

And after a while you felt Midoriya start moving around, and finally he slowly let go of you and sat up with a yawn. And what Midoriya wasnt expecting was a angry Shoto glaring at him.

"M-morning Shoto" He said nervously, realizing that he was just snuggled up to you and obviously Shoto seen.

"Morning Midoriya" He hissed, which made Midoriya quickly look over at your body, that seemed peaceful and he figured you were still asleep. Even tho you actually werent. You just figured if you got up now that shit would only be worse.

Midoriya sighed, as he looked back at Shoto.

"You know, if you're gonna keep breaking her heart like this. You should really stop coming into her room without her knowing. You shouldn't be using that key. Yo-"

Shoto cut him off "Where in the hell do you think you can give me any advice on what I should and shouldn't do? Im her boyfriend not you."

Midoriya shifted with a sigh.

"Okay but its the truth. You keep hurting her and you dont even care. You get into a fight with her and then when you dont wanna fight anymore you ignore her and dont listen to what she has to say. Its like you dont care. And honestly if you dont straighten up. No you wont be her boyfriend anymore"

Shoto was steaming, He couldnt believe Midoriya was saying this stuff to him.

"This is our relationship, not yours. And plus she cant be mad at me when shes snuggled up next to you every time we get into a fight. This is the second time you happened to fallen asleep in her bed. You might be her best friend but fucking damn it. Im her boyfriend and I dont like this."

"And she dont like it when you're all buddy buddy with momo, who everyone knows has a crush on you. And she has said something to you about that and you just blow her off." Midoriya was getting slightly mad, like why was Y/n always in the wrong and never Shoto.

"Momo is my friend." Shoto hissed.

"Yeah, a friend that flirts with you whenever she can. Are you dumb? Everyone can see it and you never tell her to back off. You always just laugh or just UGH" Midoriya was getting mad "You dont fricking care do you?!" Midoryia said a littler louder then he wished he had. He quickly looked over at you, but you didnt move. Yes him yelling shocked you a bit but you were gonna listen till the ending.

"Y/n loves you with everything she has. She loves you and you're just letting all her love go to waste." Midoriya mumbled.

Shoto was shocked, but rolled his eyes.

"And im sure you're just wanting for me to fuck up and her to get rid of me. So you can have her all for yourself huh?" Shoto glare was cutting through Midoriya, but he just sighed.

"As I said she loves you. Why would I want you to mess up? That would break her heart. I want whats best for her. And sometimes I dont think its you. So yes I suppose I do want you to mess up so at least she can get on to moving on and heaing. But instead shes gotta call me up crying when you dont answer or you make her feel like shit. Shoto. You're fucking up. And im just the one whos picking up the broken pieces."

"You fucking love her Midoriya. So shut up. Stop acting like your this great guy. Im sure you love picking up those pieces huh? You love it when she asks you to come ov-"

Midoriya stopped him "Stop treating this like I like to see her upset. You're breaking her heart. Why would I wanna see her hurt?"

Shoto looked away, before getting up.

"Whatever you can have her, maybe im not the one for her." Shoto said walking away, and slamming the door as he left, which made you jump slightly getting Midoriya attention.

"Thanks Midoriya.." You mumbled, you were glad he stood up for you but you still were kinda sad cause Shoto didnt really care and it hurt so much.

"You heard everything?" He mumbled as he laid back down next to you.

"Yes.." You mumbled covering your head with the blanket.

It was quiet for a while, before you felt Midoriya grab you and pull you over to him.

"Im sorry.." He mumbled into your shoulder. "I proably should of kept my mouth shut"

You shook your head. "No It needed to be said."

More silence.

"So you love me?" You mumbled, with a laugh.

"Shut up" He laughed too

My hero academia X Reader (one shots)Where stories live. Discover now