Bakugou x Reader-Forget him

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Quirk:Can breathe strong winds out of her mouth.

You were sitting in the dorms common room, reading a book. More like a book all about ALL MIGHT. You had read it many times, but now that he's been your teacher you wanted to compare the stuff in the book to the real deal. And honestly the book never talked about how funny he actually is in real life. Thats when a voice from behind you caught you by surprise.

"Y/n? Youre still reading that book? Youre such a nerd." Mina laughed a bit, you knew she was joking around with you. "Honestly I wouldnt be suprise if I seen Midoriya reading that. but you its kinda surprising. I never would ever imagine you being this into All might, I mean yeah he was the number one hero and everything. But by looking at you. Honestly I wouldn't ever expect you to like him as much as you actually do."

You slightly laughed, "Honestly it isnt just all might. I love reading about all type of heros, Old ones, new ones. Theyre all so interesting." You chuckled loudly as you brought the book to your chest and smiled as big as you could. "The most embarrassing one now is. I actually got a whole book on Mr.Aizawa. I mean its only embarrassing now cause he's our teacher but its still kinda cool."

Mina laughed loudly as she sat down next to you and leaned on your shoulder while she looked down at the floor.

"Now I see why you liked Midoriya. You guys have alot in common." she slowly spoke.

It was true you had, honestly still have feelings for Midoriya, But honestly you knew he liked Uraraka, so you just pushed those feelings down as deep as you could. Mina and Jirou were the only ones who knew your feelings, well out of the girls at least. Somehow a couple of the boys found out. Most of them you could keep quiet besides one. A one loud mouth hot head, who will drop hints to midoriya. Luckily Midoriya is too blind to understand it.

"Hey, you ever gonna tell him?" Mina looked up at you.

You just gave her a sigh. "Nah, im just gonna focus on getting stronger."

Mina just nodded.

-Time skip-

It was morning when you realized you woke up later then normally, you couldnt even do your hair. You just quickly brushed the mess and got dressed and everything else you needed to do before you ran to school and luckily you made it before Mr.Aizawa. You were in the clear. You were huffing and puffing and acciedently activing your quirk. The room were filling with hot powerful winds, blowing papers everywhere. Once you caught your breath you turned to Mina.

"DAMN IT MINA! WHY DIDNT YOU WAKE ME UP?!" You yelled with another big wind.


You just ignored him, still focusing on Mina till you heard Midoriya speak up.

"Y/n, You made it thats what matters" He said with his big cute smile. That made you blush slightly, and also calm down as you took your seat you mumbled "Dummy.."

You heard Uraraka say "Youre really good at coming Y/n down even when shes all upset." she sounded all cheerful.

"Heh, yeah we've been best friends for a couple years now. So I guess we get each other." He replied with a cheerful voice. Hearing the cheerfulness in his voice made you smile to yourself. "How cute" You thought to yourself. But the cheerful vibe inside you stopped when Bakugou spoke up.

"Yeah, I wonder why that is." He snickered, which got everyones attention.

"Like he said, cause we've been friend for a while now." You said plainly, as you gave bakugou a glare. Bakugou just looked away with a "tch"

Everyone at this point was staring at you and Bakugo, Till Bakugou yelled "STOP STARING DUMBASSES!" And with that everyone were looking away.

But thats when Bakugou leaned down to my level and whispered in my ear. "You tell him today or else Ill tell the whole class, and how embarssing it would be for everyone to know that you like someone who likes someone else?"

You swollowed and sunk in your seat, what the fuck why would he want me to tell him when he knows midoriya likes someone who isnt me. How cruel is he truely. You have been on at least decent terms with Bakugo. You didnt get it. But you made up your mind. You'll tell midoriya. At least this way maybe if you get rejected it will be just between You and him.

Before class started you went up to midoriya and whispered "We need to talk, after we're done eating can we go talk somewhere?"

He just looked up at you and nodded.

When you went and finally sat down you laid your head on the desk and sighed and tried your best to listen to whatever was being teached.

-Time skip to lunch-

You were sitting with everyone waiting for Midoriya to get done eating. Thats when something happened that would break your heart. Uraraka leaned over and kissed Midoriya cheek and with that Momo asked the qustion that made your stomach turn.

"Are you guys a thing now?" Momo asked way too happy.

And the answer broke you more. "Y-Yes!" They both said with blush on both of their cheeks.

And with that you could feel tears trying to break free, and of course Midoriya noticed.

"Y-Y/n?" He tilted his head looking worried.

"Im just so happy for you guys!" You let some tears escape but put your biggest smile on that you could. "I knew you guys were meant to be. I figured you guys were gonna finally man up and tell each other" You forced a giggle. "But if you excuse me, I gotta fin-" Before you could finish the person who you were gonna go looking for was now standing at the end of the lunch table.

It was Bakugou, He looked at you and sighed slightly, and grabbed your hand and dragged you away but before you guys could get too far away Midoriya yelled. "OH YEAH Y/N! what did you wanna talk about?" You couldnt even answer before Bakugo answered for you. "Doesnt matter now." he hissed as he set off his quirk in the hand that wasnt holding yours. And with that It all clicked in Midoriya's head. He figured it out why you were crying and why Bakugou was taking you away.

You followed Bakugou, you were still crying when he pulled you into a empty classroom and once he let go of your hand, you fell to your knees and started sobbing and crying louder and harder, holding your chest. Bakugou just stood at the door watching the hall making sure no one was coming as he let you get all out.

After ten minutes of the only sound being your sobs, Bakugou finally spoke up.

"Come on Idiot, he wasnt that great." He sounded mean but you could tell this was his way of trying to help.

"Yes he was, he was everything i-i-i wanted" You sobbed.

He rolled his eyes and kneed down infront of you, and wiped your tears. "Shut up" he hissed. "Just shut up. Im better! Cant you see that?!" He yelled.

You were confused but you stared at him. He has a slight blush across his cheek but his face still looked angry.

"I'm better and now that he's with someone else. You can finally see im the person you should be with. Im the better fucking choice. You idiot!" He toke a hold of your shoulder and roughly shook you.

"Why couldnt you fucking see that? How didnt you see ive been here the whole time. The whole fucking time! It pisses me off that you liked that loser then he couldnt see what he had in front of him. How could he be such an idiot!" He finally stopped shaking you and he was now just staring at you. You looked down and smiled to yourself.

"Bakugou.." You looked up and kissed his nose. "You should of told me dummy" You giggled slightly.

"Should of known idiot!" He kinda yelled in your face, but you toke this chance to kiss his lips softly, which took him by suprise but once he wasnt suprise anymore he deepened the kiss.

You werent really sure how you felt about Bakugou yet but you could see yourself fallen for this loud mouth. 

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