Chapter 3

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(Four's POV)

I swallow, I'm not scared of what stupid thing they may dare me to do, it's what they want me to say. I can't tell them my name, I would sooner strip down to nothing then expose that.

"Truth or dare Four?" Uriah smirks, the gallons of liquid inside of him apparently hasn't affected him yet. "Truth." Uriah doesn't dare call me a pansycake. "What is your name?" I swallow hard as all my childhood memories come rushing into my head. I slip off my jacket and throw it on the couch behind me.

"Truth or dare." I snap in my instructors voice toward Marlene. "Dare." She replies. "Fine, I dare you to watch a film about waterways with Uriah." Uriah scowls at me, but I just smile.

"That wasn't very nice." Tris whispers in my ear. "This game isn't about being nice."

After they are done watching Waterways: Mysteries unlocked Uriah and Marlene sit down in the circle. Uriah keeps his legs crossed. We all laugh at his embarrassment. "Truth or dare." Marlene puts her gaze on Shauna.
(Tris's POV)

Shauna : "Truth."

Uriah: "Pansycake."

Shauna: "Shut up."

"Is it true that you like Zeke?" Marlene asks with a devilish gleam in her eye, that only can come from devious pleasure.

Shauna blushes, but instead of answering, or even slipping off an article of clothing, she gets up, walks over to the other side if the circle and plants her lips on Zeke's. Wow, I guess that they really do things differently in Dauntless.

Zeke kisses her back, surprised at first, but quickly exited at what it going on. Shauna gently lowers onto his lap, their lips never separate. I suddenly feel uncomfortable, like I shouldn't be here in this private moment.

I lean closer to Tobias, "Should we leave?" Everyone else continues to talk as if Zeke and Shauna aren't making out in the middle of the room. "No, it's rude. It makes me a little uncomfortable too, don't worry." Tobias quickly pecks me on the lips, I rest my head on his shoulder, the room goes silent. Everyone is staring at us, the small initiate who made first, and the scary instructor whom threatened to kill an initiate. Even Shauna and Zeke break apart at the sight of us together. "What the......?" Zeke, for the first time since I have met him seems lost for words. Tobias rubs the back of his neck with his hand, a nervous habit, I rub my sweaty palms on my jeans, another nervous habit. Christina and Uriah already knew of course from the initiation banquet, but I suppose that we didn't get to tell everyone yet.

"We are together." I say, the silence is almost unbearable. Uriah starts clapping, and soon the rest of the group follows. I laugh, if this is their way of congratulating us, then Dauntless customs really are different from Abnegation. I laugh, and soon Tobias joins me. Once that dies down, the game begins again.

Shauna points to me. "You know the question." Feeling perticulary happy, I choose Dauntless. "Don't you have a brother in Erudite?" I swallow hard, "Yes, why?" Shauna smiles. "I think that we need to take a train ride."

Please comment and vote! Also, what do you want Tris's dare to be once she gets to Erudite?

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