vi. Trevor

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Honestly, I don't know if I like this and I'm supery iffy about the whole thing. I'm kind of losing touch with this story and I don't have much inspiration and love for this story as I once did when I started. All in all, I'm in debate whether or not I should continue or take this down but here's an update until then. 

Also, this chapter is dedicated to @SheeranIsMyMan, who also is participating in the challenge with her story, 'Your Body, Your Rules'. x

|Six: Write a chapter in which a character tries to go on a diet.|

        vi. Trevor

I spread myself along my bed, taking up every space possible amongst the navy colored sheet. It was Fall outside but by the sun beating down it’s heat rays and zero clouds in sight, you could easily mistake it for being Summer.

My house was kept cool like it was made out of ice on a normal basis but I made it a priority to keep the coolness from seeping under the cracks of my door and slits of the vents. Thus the only cool part of my room being the sheets upon my mattress, underneath it’s spread.

I held a love and hate relationship with the weather. I hated the heat for giving me constant migraines and sometimes, body odor; but I loved, loved, the fact the heat caused sweat. While most people my age hated sweat because of the odor and stickiness between skin and clothing; I loved the aftermath of sweat.

The weight loss and the more heat consumes my body whole, the more sweat seeps through my pores, coating my skin in glossed shine.

Instead of being irritated by the sheet sticking like glue to my skin, I devoured it as I rested in between sheets. With my mind running on the idea of weight loss, I sat up and rested against the head board, thinking of other ways besides sweating for hours.

Sure, I loved the sweat but if there were other ways to accomplish some sort of loss without doing nothing at all I’d try it.

Sliding my laptop off my desk I placed it in my lap and returned to the Thinsporation website I found at school. Images of quotes and people who were thin splattered all over the screen bringing an instant grin to my face. I looked at the photos in awe, they truly were attractive and presentable someone I wasn’t but hoped to be. The images were inspiring and gave me hope that one day after tremendous amounts of hard work I would too look just like them.

A guy could dream right?

Scrolling over to the right hand side, I looked through the tabs of different tags throughout the site. “YES” I hummed to myself as I found the ‘TIP’ tag and pressed the arrow down on it.

The three letters lit up and directed me to a new page where the words ‘Weight Loss Tips’ bounced up and down in a gold color. Underneath the title were various ideas of weight loss from diet tips to purge and binging with the description and photos of examples and results.

Looking at the photos of purge and binging made my eyes widen in shock while my stomach turned. I wasn’t a fan of throwing up at all and I wouldn’t be a fan now, even if that meant dropping a few pounds a week. I wanted to be thin but I couldn’t grasp my mind into making me puke.

I sighed and ran my hand over my chin scratching the skin as I contemplated what I wanted to actually do. If I wasn’t willing to throw up my meals or in general, I decided to look through the diet tips and routines.

Clicking on ‘diet’ a different tab opened with over twenty-five different diet theories and tips. My eyes widened in awe while I grinned from ear to ear as I took in all the various routines.

I was overwhelmed by all the diets I had no idea which one to look at first or even try. Some stood out since I’ve heard about them before in health class but I looked passed them. I wanted to do a diet not many people knew or heard of nor did I want to make it appear I was on one.

Hovering over the ABC diet, I read through its content and looked down at the reviews of others who have and are participating in the diet. The more I read through each comment and saw their results made my heart accelerate as happiness flushed through me from head to toe.

My heart fluttered as butterflies’ erupted flying through my stomach. Tearing a piece of paper out of my notebook, I grabbed a pen and began writing down all the tips and routine for the diet.

Once I was done I held the paper to my face smiling with flushed cheeks. I was going to begin now, a one hundred hour fast and then the routine of the ABC diet. A breath of air escaped my mouth as I tilted my head back on the headboard.

I was almost there, one step closer to the body I wanted.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2014 ⏰

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