iv. Trevor

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Before I begin this chapter I’d like to address a question that has been repeatedly asked in messages & comments. I know that in today’s society those who are skinny are not hated or looked down upon because that’s basically how people view ‘perfect’ now. In today’s society most complaints are about people being overweight and not accepting themselves because they aren’t ‘perfectly’ thin like others and eat too much. In my story, I’m doing the opposite of that. I’m trying to portray how the world could be if it wasn’t like how it is today; if roles, thoughts, and opinions, etc… were reversed in society. That’s what I’m doing; a story about the world where being overweight is normal and being skinny is the minority; meaning, not skinny is not accepted nor seen a lot. I apologize to those who have read the story and have been offended over certain topics, it’s not my intention to cause harm and pain towards those with my works.

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|Four: Write a chapter in which a character skips a meal.|

            iv. Trevor

Ten minutes have passed since the school bell rang, signaling the end of fifth period and I purposely stayed behind to take my sweet time changing. Today was mile day during P.E and even though Coach had specific mile times set for each of us, including myself, I made it my part to pretend to look like I was trying my best while also not even trying at all.

Unlike other students in class, I didn’t care about how I did in P.E nor did I care about running four and a half laps in a circle. To me, the mile does for myself, is present me the time to think and flow my thoughts into the clouds while breathing fresh polluted air.

Also, having to run during midday when it’s nearing eighty degrees isn’t my idea of a good time, especially when I’m covered in excess skin and baggy workout clothes; which sort of made me envy Lexx. I did, however, feel bad for her at times; but majority I wished I could have a body like hers.

Not the breasts part, but the thin and slimmed looking body.

Normally, I would brush off her attempts at her appearance to look bigger and thicker but today I couldn’t help myself. I felt bad that she was trying to fit in during gym (all the time too) by wearing triple amount of clothing than normal; especially when she was sweating like a cow. I honestly, have no idea how she can go about her day in all that material.

Stretching my legs out, I stared at the cotton material that clung stretched around my skin and wondered how Lexx must visualize herself in the spot I was now.

Lexx and I are both similar in a way. She takes her time before gym so she doesn’t have to exercise and show her body to others; while I, take my time after gym, so I don’t have to show my face in the lunch room and be wooed by all the high scented foods sizzling behind counters.

“Trevor,” a sturdy voice sounded causing me to jump as I was brought away from my cloudy thoughts. “Coach,” I mumbled my palms instantly becoming sweaty. “Shouldn’t you be dressed?” he questioned tapping his clip board against his stomach.

“Yeah,” I nodded, “just a bit behind.” He chuckled looking to his watch, “a bit? Try almost fifteen minutes, get going, I need to lock up and you need lunch.”

“Sure thing,” I nodded.

Running my hands through my hair I stood and leaned against my locker, staring into the mirror across the way. Lunch. The only time during school I dreaded the most. At least I missed fifteen minutes so I only had about fifteen more until sixth period.

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