Chapter Two

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Chapter Two: (Edited Dec 5 2014)

I sat on the creaky bed with no sheets, pale. Omi had just left and I was too surprised that she would do that, to chase after her. "Did she just..." I was far too overwhelmed to finish my sentence and sat there, my mouth agape. She had never left the hideout without my permission before, let alone run away. She could be seen or worse, caught! My throat closed in on itself and I felt as though I might break down and bawl. Sasha tried to comfort me but I shoved her away, blaming her for my mistakes.

Minutes changed to hours and my worry grew ever worse. I paced the hallway; my hands behind my back, pondering what would the best bet right now. Was she okay? Was she caught and thrown in a pound? Was she…killed? No. She was one of the best problem solving people I know; she would be able to avoid dogcatchers, would she not? My head swam with thoughts that seemed to come from nowhere.

Calm down, Skye. You are right. They are fine. I promise.  Sasha soothed, not one bit calming me down. In fact, she sounded more Panicked than I was at that exact moment.

Not for the first time, I called the pound and described Naomi. They said no one had found her but that only seemed to fuel my worry. After I hung up, I told Sasha, “We’re going to find her.” She perked up instantly, knowing fully well that I was letting her off her theoretical leash.

She bounded, sniffing the forest floor for clues while I lay back and relaxed. It had been awhile since I let her loose, other than for the Full Moon (Although, I did not have a choice) it has been too long, Sasha purred, leaching off my thoughts. I had forgotten how it feels to have legs that are not cramped. She sighed, and stretched. We had been looking for little less than five hours and although I could not help look, I worried that our search would fail.

“Howl.” I thought. Sasha cocked her head, confused. “She needs to know we are searching.” I added my eyes closed. “Besides, they know there are wolves in the forest anyways.” I shrugged. Actually, the rumoured wolves in the forest were most likely us; I have never once heard a howl from these woods that have not come from either Naomi or I.

Sasha considered, I do suppose it could not be worse than them finding us. We are much faster than our sisters. She bent her head back and let out a long, sad howl. There was no response and she growled, I swear to god, if she does not answer…

However, Sasha never has to finish her sentence because far north, there was a slow, reproachful howl.

However, it was not from Jasmine.

I went back into the deserted home, too shocked to speak. Maybe…maybe there are other wolf packs. That howl did not sound like it would come from a normal wolf at all. Sasha was amazed at the thought. Maybe he is our mate…or Jasmine’s. She added as an afterthought. This is even more reason to get them back so we can check him!

“Sash. Think about it. Most wolves only find wolf mates if they are an Alpha. We are not an Alpha. Or Beta.” She sighed, agreeing with my logic. “Our mate will most likely be a human. Pure human.”

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