Chapter Three

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Just so you aren't confused, Bold is Skye thinking, Italics is Sasha speaking and Italics and Bold is an author note :3

Chapter Three:

It had been almost a week since I left to find Naomi. The Full Moon had passed and when that happens, Naomi is able to cover a lot of ground, since she is younger than Sasha and I. Sasha was quickly losing hope of finding her sister and she was rapidly getting tired. We had been on the run for the whole time, being backtracked at my transformation, which brought us nearly home when it took us a day to get there.

Sasha groaned as we finally stopped at a gas station; I had managed to find a ten-dollar bill at a parking lot, east to where I stood. The station was almost as many as our house was. The only difference was that it was crowded. I managed to phase behind the Gas station and smoothing my clothes, I entered through the sliding doors that I had never seen before. A bell rang out and my eyes widened, afraid.

There was a man behind the counter and when the bell rang (I assumed it was a doorbell of sorts) he looked up. When he saw me, his eyebrows scrunched together, so that it looked like he had a Unibrow. His eyes trailed from my ruined sneakers, to my ripped jeans that made it look like I mauled by a bear, to my too small shirt that wrapped tightly to my chest, and to my eyes where the remained until I closed them, embarrassed.

"My name is Skye Taylor." I squeaked out, unsure why I told him this. His expression was confused and after I said this, it was bewildered. "I came f-for food..." My voice was shaky, as were my arms. I dropped my bag to the floor, and stooped to pick them up. "I am sorry for interrupting. I will leave." Feeling like a fool, I turned my face burning, as it had never done before. What was the emotion I was feeling? Surely, I did not like this man! He was much too old for me, perhaps in his sixties, with graying hair and a thin, annoyed mouth.

His face softened, "It is alright, Ms. Taylor." He smiled, "Where are your parents? May I call them to escort you home?" He reached for an object on the wall that I eyed warily. He pulled his hand away, seeing my frightened expression, and opened his mouth to speak but he does not.

"They are dead." I said, holding my head high. "They were murdered when I was just a pup - child..." I mentally slapped myself and Sasha wished she could slap me as well. "A child." Sorry, I have alone for much too long."

"I see that." The man murmured. "Are you from here?"

"No, I lived east from this village, in New Brunswick. I am not familiar with Ontario yet." I admitted, ashamed.

"Do not fret, young Skye. Ontario is nice when you get used to it. Everyone is nice." Forgotten, the woman whom the man had been conversing with cleared her throat rather loudly. I had a feeling she was redirecting the man back to her. He held a finger to me, as to dismiss me for a minute. I stood there, rather patiently while the man rang up the woman's purchases. He put her money into a box that made a loud DING when it was open.

"Thank you," the woman said, tight lipped, walking around me as though my dirtiness was contagious. She marched out the door, slamming it behind her.

When I looked back to the man, he was smiling again. "My name is Borgin, Mike Borgin. Let me get some food for you, Skye. I will be back soon." In addition, he walked into a door that was hidden by beads hanging above it. I amused myself by watching them move around, clanging with each other. He was quick and came back out, with a large bag in his hand. It surely would cost a lot of money.

"Mr. Borgin sir...who was that woman?"  I asked, avoiding a different question from bursting out of my mouth. How would I pay for it?

Mr. Borgin was confused for a moment but then he waved his hand in dismissal, "That was Ms. Frank. It is no wonder why she is not married. A devil, that woman is. “He snorted, and I was horrified. Were people really that mean to people? I mean, we are the same species.

"Not us. We are not humans." Sasha was kind enough to tell me. "We are something different. Much more special than a pesky, boring human," she snorted, not unlike how Mr. Borgin had just a minute ago and I had the feeling she was mocking him.

"I know." I told her, trying not to speak aloud. It was rather difficult. "But don't you pity them? At least sometimes?"

"I always do." Admitted Sasha, sadly, her head hung low as if ashamed, "but wouldn't you if the humans had war with their own species?” She hit a true point. I do feel sorry for them. I feel like one of them. I have flesh, bones and a brain. In addition, opposable thumbs.

"Are you alright, miss?" Borgin asked, sounding so far away. "Would you like to lie down for a bit?"

It was a bad idea but, seeming, as we were both tired, I decided to take up on his offer. On the way to a bedroom, I spoke softly, "You know, Sir, I have very little money. I cannot pay you."

He laughed, not a maniacal laugh, just a pleasant, and cool laugh. "Do not worry. I am all into charity. You can pay me...say a hundred dollars?"

I froze, "I don't have one Hundred!" I cried, but saw a silly smile growing on his face. Oh. He was joking. Oops.

                                                                   ******PLEASE READ******
So, I know it is a boring chapter with nothing goimg on but it is only the 3rd Chapter. It will steadily get more entertaining as we go on. I have decided, after Chapter Four, there  will be a chance to ask either me or the characters any questions you may have. I will start collecting now. To help you choose one, here are all of the Characters so far (The ones that will be playing major roles) :

- Officer Willow
-Ms. Frank

So I will answer as much as I can and hope I get one question at least. By The way, after I update Chapter Four, I will not Update until I get at least one question.


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