Chapter One

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Chapter One: (edited December 5, 2014)

My name is Skye Taylor. I am 16 years old and have a younger sister, named Naomi who is only 12. We share the same appearance, black hair with one blue eye and one green (although it is her left eye that is green and it is my right eye that is blue). We live alone-our parents were murdered when I was only eight-in an abandoned house just outside of the small country that cannot be found on even the most detailed map in Canada. We are always been on the move, even when Mother and Father were alive to guide us. Now Naomi and I...we also share a secret. A secret that very few know. Once a month...we are forced to turn into wolves, with no control over ourselves. Our inner wolves take control.

"Where are we headed now?" Naomi asked me, scanning the roof of the forest. We were searching for more of our kind...and our mates, whether they are Werewolves or not. Yes, our wolves can speak to us if they want to. My wolf, Sasha, was not particularly talkative, thankfully. However, my sister's never seems to stop talking. She always complains about Jasmine, yapping at her.

"I'm not sure," I admitted, wincing as Sasha growled at me, annoyed. "I think we should leave Canada. Take a plane for, like Africa. I have a feeling." This was not completely true. Sasha was the one who wanted to check there and I agreed with her. I have a good feeling. Not just a feeling. Sasha growled, baring her teeth. She yearned out. It was a week before the Full Moon when she fully is in control. I can transform when I want or if I am angry also, which is why we avoid people, and schools.

Naomi brushed her hair to the side with her poorly bitten nails. She was not looking at me, but instead she stared at the front door, her mouth agape. My face must have been confused because she lifted a finger and, shaking, pointed at the window beside the door. I turned and saw a man in a navy blue uniform. He must be an Officer. Crap, we must look horrible, with our ripped clothing and matted hair, not to mention the scrapes and bruises on our faces. I scrambled up, grabbing Naomi, "Go. Get our things and sneak out the window at the back. The door is jammed so you wouldn't be able to close or even open it." When she did not move, I shoved her, "Go!"

Inside, Sasha whimpered, we are so dead. What does it look like to be hiding in a dwelling this ruined with a kid? Will we be arrested? She tried to imagine us in Juvy and shuddered, making my body shake as I tried to pry the front door open.

Shut up, Sash. I thought furiously, finally getting the door. It was indeed an Officer. The badge on his chest read Willow. Officer Willow? What an uncommon name. "Hello Officer," I forced a smile and stepped out the door closing it behind me. I prayed that Naomi was outside already and sneaking for the woods. "What can I interest you in?"

He peered behind me, into the window. It must have been empty because he turned to me, and shook his mane of golden hair. He wore sunglasses so I could not see his expression. "Where are your parents?" The Officer asked, sceptically. "You seem alone in there."

I flash him a grin, "There at work of course!" I giggled, "How would we get money if they didn't work?" I was spitballing here, and Sasha was egging me on.

Skye? I heard Naomi trying to telepathically communicate but I ignored her as Willow went on. "There have been cases where a person heard voices in there earlier and cries for help. Do you know anything about it?" He asked, craning his neck around to take in the house. To be completely honest, we have not done anything with it. There were shingles hanging loose enough to fall at any time. The door had claw marks from our unwanted transformations and the windows were irreparable.  The paint was chipped.

"Crying?" I asked, pretending to be innocent and clueless. Honestly, I did know. Naomi was frustrated with her wolf but I do not think it would be a good idea to tell that to a cop. "I wouldn't know about that. I'm an only child, you see."

His mouth wiggled into a grimace. "You live here, you said?"

"Yes, sir." I said, my voice already shrinking. I hated lying to people but they would not be kind to someone

Saying they were Werewolves. Sasha reckoned we would be thrown into a mental hospital before we could even finish talking. "Just Mother, Father and I."

You suck at lying, Skye. Sasha grumbled, if you just let me go in control...-

You would murder him. I snapped back at her. She barked a laugh and imagined a mauled Police officer in front of a black wolf who seemed to be laughing. She was sick.

"Miss, are you quite alright?" He asked, "Are you in distress?"

I smiled and shook my head, mostly to annoy Sasha. "Sorry, Officer Willow. I would invite you in for a coffee, but sadly we are out of Coffee beans again." I reached out my hand, to shake. He grabbed it and briefly shook it, smiling tightly, "It was a pleasure to meet you, Sir."

"But, miss, the pleasure is all mines"


"That was too close, Omi." I said, using my nickname for my sister. She hates it but it provides me with something to call her if I was an annoyed, "You have got to stop yelling at Jasmine!" Omi crossed her arms, her eyes narrowed as I continued, "We leave tomorrow."

"What?" Omi yelled, and shrunk against the wall when I glared at her. After all, I had just told her to be quiet, had not I?

"If we are ever to find a pack to join or even our mates, we must leave when we need to a d we need to tomorrow." I snapped shoving my sleeping back and the little rations we had left since my last raid at the convenience store. I counted how much money we had and it totalled to a whopping $4. Less than we had last week. Our income is steadily decreasing. "What happened to the other $6?"

"I spent it," She mumbled, not meeting my eyes,

"Whatever, it wouldn't have been enough for plane tickets anyways. I need to get a job now I guess." I sighed, putting our spare clothes into the bag. "I will meet you down stairs in 5 minutes."

"You said tomorrow!"

"Yeah, well, things change." I grouched. "Hurry up."

Marching downstairs, I cleaned everything with a cloth to hide our tracks. I took the few things we had in the cupboard and packed them too.  "I just cannot believe we cannot live a normal life, Sash."

I know. I wish you could live a life that all. Mortals live. I am sorry I could not have chosen someone else. She sighed and contented herself at curling around.

"No, you're good company-" she shushed me and listened intently. She is gone. She and my sister left.

"WHAT?!" I ran towards the stairs and bolted up. Pushing open the door, I saw it was empty except for the tail that was sneaking out the window. I ran to grab it but Naomi escaped my grip. She was gone in a minute.  Jasmine took over. How obvious. 

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