The Beginning

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Hi this is a divergent/hunger games crossover from Tris' point of view. After allegiant and mockingjay, you will notice I brought some characters back... so yeah enjoy:) P.S. Sorry it is long...

I wake up in a wood room it looks like a hospital, there is medicine on shelves surrounding me. I look down at my arm and see an IV in it.

            “FOUR!” I scream, I am alone and don’t know where I am. Suddenly two women run in.

            “She’s alive!” A teenage girl says.

            “It worked!” Says another woman standing next to her, it looked like her mother, but I wasn’t sure.

            “Hello, still here,” I say confused.

            “You were under a simulation,” Explains the girl.

        "What?! No I couldn't have been... how?" I question, as I talk I start to run out of breath and my right arm gets a burning/tingling pain in it. Out of no where I started coughing and feeling like I would be sick.

                "We will explain later..." Says the woman, she can tell I am starting to feel worse, they start to push buttons and I feel better suddenly.

                       “Where am I?” I have to ask.

            “You are in district twelve, in Panem. And oh, my name is Caroline Everdeen, and this is my daughter Prim.”

            “District 12? I think you must mean the 5 factions, right?” I feel wrong questioning her, but I was very confused.

            “Sorry I should have explained. When you were in the simulation, they “shot” you, this is correct right?” I nod in reply. “Well you weren’t shot, but in the simulation you weren’t aware of that and you had a heart attack. Your boyfriend, Tobias, came in and luckily saved you, but the medicine that they had wasn’t good enough because you had fallen and broke your arm badly. There hasn’t been must communication between Chicago and Panem, so we were shocked when they had people bring you over. Do you have any questions?”

            “Yes,” I reply, felling slightly guilty but needing to know. “Who brought me over? And what happened to everyone else?”

            “I don’t know about everyone else, but there were three people that brought you over, Tobias, Christina-“ For some reason I wasn’t sure if I wanted her to say Caleb, I know he is my brother, but he is a traitor, “And your brother Caleb. They are currently working as peacekeepers and I actually just sent Katniss out to get them.”

Katniss? Who is Katniss? Just as I am about to say something, Tobias walks in. He is dressed in all white and is holding a helmet, but it is still Tobias. My Tobias, he comes over and gives me a light kiss on the forehead and sits next to me on the bed.

            “I’ll give you guys a moment,” Caroline says as her and Prim exit the room.

            “How long was I out?” I ask.

            “Too long,” he replies, “About 7 weeks, I thought you were gone.” He starts to cry; I have never seen him cry like this. Just then Christina walks in to the room.

            “Oh Tobias, be a man!” She says with a laugh, and then walks over to me. “Hey you don’t look so bad, just a big thing on your arm, you’re pale and...”

            “Ha, ha, ha,” I reply sarcastically, but just then I realize I actually have something on my arm. I try to sit up, I can, but Tobias must help me.

            “Thanks,” I say softly. Then a girl walks in; she has a long brown braid, and is wearing a brown leather jacket. She is carrying something I have never seen before it is a string and a stick connected, I make a mental note to ask about it later. She puts it down and walks over to me.

            “Hi I am Katniss,” She says, just then a short man with blonde hair walks in limping, “And this is my husband Peeta.”

            “Hi,” Says the man named Peeta. Peeta comes over and shakes Tobias’ hand, “Hi Tris, how are you?” How does he know my name? Just then two little kids walk over, a little girl and a little boy. The little girl walks up to me.

            “Hi my name is Rue, and this is my brother Gale, are you feeling better?” Rue asks, I would guess she is about 7 or 8, and Gale is 5 or 6.

            “I am feeling better, thank you,” I tell Rue.

            “That’s good,” she replied, “I don’t like it when people aren’t feeling well. Come on Gale, it is time to go on play Hunger Games.” And they run off.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2014 ⏰

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