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L's p/v

it has been months since Mirai arrived. She started school like the other kids,  about a few weeks ago. She got one of the front classes. I was kinda surprised.

We don't get allowance like normal kids. To get money we had to do works back at the orphanage.  I in the other hand just make sure that I'm a top student then I'll get my allowance.

Meanwhile Mirai was like the oher kids. She does the house work pretty well. When she is finished with a job, she will do another. She was active that is for sure.And when she is finished, she will annoy me. Why does it has to be me?

"L!! I'm finished.." she shouted and she was running towards me.

"if you run like that, you will fa-" before I can finish my sentence she fell.


"I told you" I said to her.

"hehehe..  can you predict the Future L?"

"no.. I just guess. for example I can tell What you are thinking.."

"how?" she said with sparkling eyes.

"because you are simple minded " I poked her forehead.

"eh? really? " she became quiet.

"hey Mirai... " before I could finish she said " Tenshi..  call me Tenshi.  We are friends right? "


"OK.. Tenshi where were you during recess? when it's school time.. "

"ummm?  doing  my normal stuff? " she responded and stood up. "I'll be going now Bye.." she ran away.

"something isn't right.. it sounded a bit... like a lie."

"whatever as if I'm going to care"

school days... recess..

"I think I'll go and buy a cake.." I went to the cafeteria and bought a slice of cake. "I wonder..".I licked my finger.

I searched for Tenshi and I found her at the back of the school. I was on the second level so she didn't notice me. I just wanted to know What she was doing. at the orphanage,  she is the most hard working and she gets a lot of money. I was just worried if she was bu-

"hey you.. kid.. where is my money" I heard a girl's voice. I turned around and saw from the second level there were two kids around my age. A girl and a boy. from my guess they are the school bully. I ran down and when to the back of the school.

"h-here...is the money.." Tenshi said as she shivered in fear.

"eh? $50 only? maybe your lying to me?" the girl smirk.

"n..no.. it's true" Tenshi and she was pushed by the girl.  She fell and just stayed quiet.

"HEY!! " I shouted.

"What? did you tell that freak?" she kicked Tenshi.

"L..." she was telling me not to get involved.

I walked towards Tenshi But the guy around 12 years old stop me.

"where are you going freak?"

"out of my way.." I looked down a bit and made a shade at my eyes so they won't see them.

"me?" then he punched me. I was pushed back a bit. "me out of your way?" then he pulled my shirt.



"an eye for an eye" I kicked his face and he backed off.

"your a freak!! " he said and ran away with a bleeding nose . I lift my head and revealed my soulless eyes.

"are you sure you want to do this?" I said to the girl.

"n-no.. she said and gave Tenshi's money back. Then she ran away.

"you okay?"I asked.

"I'm Sorry.." she said But I couldn't see her eyes.

"for What?"

"for making trouble.. I'm Sorry." I sigh and she stood up. she bowed and she was about to run away. I pulled her hand and she kept on pulling it so she could be  free from me.

"she is such a trouble some"

"let go" she said roughly,  But I know she was about to cry.

I pulled her and she was forced to follow my lead. I pulled her into a hug. I can feel that she is in a shock.

"listen.. if you have any problem just tell me.." I whispered into her ear and I  Let her go. she nodded and revealed her eyes.they were back to normal and her face was red or was she  blushing?

"okay.. by the way, What did you mumbled to that boy?" she asked.

"mumbled? Oh.. An eye for an eye.. he punched me so I kicked his fa-" then she walked towards me. she pulled out her pink handkerchief and I backed up.

"What are you doing?" I backed up.

"just stay put.. there are blood around your mouth" she caught my hand and   wiped the blood off my face.. "see.. all better" she kept the handkerchief.

I rolled my eyes and went back to class to eat my cake. Tenshi kept on following me. But I didn't mind.

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