L's Birthday Date

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L's p/v

Since the day I saved Tenshi,  she kept on bugging me. Always beside me, talking,.singing and smiling.

"neh L.." Tenshi spoke to me.

"yeah?" I responded while eating a piece of cake.

"You like cake don't You?"

"Really? I didn't notice" I said in an obvious voice saying 'of course I know '

"really You didn't?" she said in a completely surprised tone and face.

"yeah.."I rolled my eyes.

Then it became silent...

"what's wrong?" I asked.

"eh? I wanted to ask You when was your birthday but I don't know if You will think I'm weird coz I asked.... Well... It's kinda embarrassing You see"

"but...." suddenly she slapped her mouth.

"No... that wasn't What I wanted to ask... ha-ha-ha " she looked away with a red face and shuttering while talking and laughing.

"I don't know" I pulled out a book and read it.

"You don't? Hmmmmm.... Then... your birthday is officially next month. Today is 7/6 so your birthday is on 7/7..."

"hey.. You can't just do a date for my birthday.." I shut the book.

"but It's better than No birthday right?" I rolled my eyes and went to my dorm.


in my room...

"7/7 eh? not a bad date..." (idk L's real birthday BTW...)


the next day..

I woke up pretty early so I decided to take a walk. When I went out and I saw Tenshi.. She was walking out of the orphanage gates.

It's so weird for her to do that. She doesnt like going  outside alone.. She hates it when adults look at her all alone. at first I want to run after her but it will be such a drag so I didn't...

"maybe she is just going out for a morning walk just like I am..."

I told myself and returned to my room. I changed into my blue shirt and brown shorts and went to study... (just imagine it...)

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