Her first day

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-sorry I'm late.. I just ended my exams... tomorrow I'll be going on a camp... wish me luck -

L's p/v

Days turn to weeks.. weeks turn to months... months turn to years. before I knew it, I was already 10 years old.. it was no shocker if I say I am still the top student.

Sadly What changed was the number of kids in the orphanage.  The kids come and go  no one stays here very long . from time to time,  people will come here and adopt a child to be their child. . somehow I was never choose. I guess they are weird out by my ways as well.

Then suddenly there was a new kid. usually I won't mind. He or she will act, do and think just like the others.

"okay all.. here is a new kid. introduce yourself, honey" The house keeper said.

"Hi.. I'm Mirai...  Mirai Tenshi " she said with a bright smile.

"I hope you have a great time here" the house keeper said and left.

as  usual, I did What I usually did... Study languages...

"Hi..." suddenly a voice from my back. I looked behind and saw her.. the newbie.

"Hi.." I responded. she looked like as if she was going to sit beside me, But in the end some kids pulled her away from me.

"I...I'll... I'll see... you again" she said before being pulled away.

"idiot.." I mumbled to myself.

days later... 

we are outside at the play ground...

I sat at the side as always. then I saw her. Mirai, that was her name. She was playing the swings. She was having fun. I looked away and read a book.

suddenly I felt like someone sat beside me. I looked up and saw Mirai.

"I'm Sorry for not doing a proper introduction..  I'm Mirai Tenshi.  Age 9 years old.." she said.

"I'm L...L  Lawliet.. I'm 10.. " I  know she will leave so I ignored her. they always do. 

"L? you mean Eru?  " (Eru is how we say L in Japan)

"no.. just L" I shut my book and asked her "Why are you here? "

"eh? me? I'm here Cox my parents were killed by a killer. I remember his face. I will never forget his face.. the killer I mean"

"how can you say it that casually? aren't you sad? mad? or anything?"

"if it's already time for them to go... then What can I do? " she smiled. it was quiet and then she pulled my hand. "Hey!!" I shouted.

"Let's play" she said and pushed me on a swing. She was annoying. If I can put it in a picture, she would be the most annoying person in earth.

But since she came here, my life changed little by little. I wasn't a loner wolf anymore. I had someone to listen to. Mirai wasn't the smartest kid But she is cheerful. different from me.

I never had this feeling before.. What was the word? Ah...  yes...


it was a start of a new world for me...

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