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*nicky's pov*

"Good morning princess" a voice which was obviously Ashton's said as slowly opened my eyes seeing him stood in black skinny jeans and an old band tee

"Good morning daddy" I replied wrapping myself in the covers wanting him to come cuddle with me like he normally did in the morning "cuddle?" I suggested holding out my arms as he shook his head sternly

"Baby I need you to get ready, my friends are coming over" he said as I nodded excited to finally meet his friends properly "here take these it will get rid of the hang over you probably have" he said handing me some paracetamol and orange juice.

"What should I wear?" I asked sliding out of the bed as he shrugged and walked towards the door

"I'm not fussed"

"But one of the rules is you have to cho-"

"Hurry up and get ready nicky" he snapped before leaving me alone to sort myself out. I ran my hands through the clothes in our shared wardrobe and decided to put on my skinny ripped blue jeans with a black vest top tucked and paired the outfit with a pair of black heels. After changing I walked over to the makeup table instantly taking my hair out of my messy ponytail and began to straighten it so it was at its full length. I swiftly began going the fastest yet cutest makeup look I could making sure I looks as perfect as possible. As I finished my makeup I heard the front door shut and Male voices echoed throughout the house.

"Nicky babe our guests are here" Ashton shouted as I smiled at myself in the mirror admiring the confidence my outfit had given me.

"Coming" I replied opening the door and making my way to the stairs trying my best not to fall over in the heels. As I walked down the stairs I admired the men whom stood chatting. One was tall with long golden curls and was the owner of one of the most infectious smiles. Another had messy blonde hair with pale skin and an amazing dress sense as if he was supposed to be out of a final fantasy game. The final one stood shyly and had the darkest skin of all of them which complimented his shaved brown hair and brown eyes.

"Good morning" I said reaching the final step grabbing their attention "I'm nicky, lovely to meet all of you" I said as I shook their hands trying to seem as welcoming as possible

"I'm Michael nice to meet you"

"I'm luke"

"Hi I'm calum"

"Great you've all met each other now we can go eat" Ashton said coming out of the kitchen keeping his eyes on his friends and nowhere near me

"Ashton" I called as he walked in the front of the group "can I talk to you quickly please?" I asked as he shook his head and continued walking and entered the dining room with his friends following behind him. Entering the room I took my usual seat next to Ashton and smiled at him just to be greeted him turning the opposite way to talk to Calum. I sat there awkwardly as the boys had individual conversations about there businesses and personal lives as we ate our food. As my boredom grew stronger I decided to place my hand on Ashton's thigh and began running my hand up and down it hoping for some sort of reaction from him to do it back but instead was received with him pushing my hand off him and giving me a stern look making me roll my eyes at him before getting up to leave.

"Where are you going?" Ashton asked as I pointed to the table

"Everybody has finished their food, come on let's go sit somewhere more comfy" I suggested before leading everyone into the front room

"So Luke tell me about yourself" I said sitting next to him on the sofa as he smiled and placed his arm around me lightly

"I'm 24, my family owns the Hemm gyms all around the world" he said as I nodded

"Sounds interesting, so do you travel a lot?" I asked as he nodded

"Yeah he's never in the country because he's got to go pretend to be big muscle man at the gym to try get girls" Calum joked as Luke awkwardly laughed and I placed my head on Luke's shoulder getting comfortable as I felt Ashton's glare on my get stronger knowing I knew he was getting mad at how close I was to his friend

"I have a girlfriend dickhead" Luke snapped as Michael looked at him

"Who you met at the gym" he said as Calum nodded

"You did meet her at the gym"

"Shut up both of you" He said as I giggled slightly at the jokes thrown around by the guys

"Excuse me I'm just gonna go upstairs quickly" I stated standing up and leaving the room hearing my heels clank against the hard floor and made my way up the stairs just to get away from the stair Ashton was giving me. As I entered the bedroom I heard footsteps following instantly making me turn around and see my boyfriend stood there

"What the fuck was that" he said closing the bedroom door

"Oh please Ashton it was a friendly cuddle" I said rolling my eyes

"You roll your eyes at me one more time nicky I swear to god. And that's not how you address me, you wanna act like a slag I can treat you like one" he snapped as I walked to the other side of the room

"A slag? I sat with your friend because you weren't giving me attention. I'm your girlfriend for god sake show me off to your friends don't just sit there and let me flirt with them" I snapped back as he ran his hands through his hair stressed

"I'm not giving you attention for a long time baby just you wait" he said walking towards me placing his finger under my chin "in a couple of days you'll be begging for my touch and attention again because even my hugs are gone, me looking at you is gone, me being on the same room is gone. You wanna act like a brat well welcome to your punishment Nicola"

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