IV: Anger

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《A few weeks later ;p》
Shinsou POV

I flopped onto my bed at about 5 AM after a long night with uncle Shouta, I was surprised he agreed to let me come along on his hero hours again but I didn't regret it, it may have left a few bruises but it felt good to take down everyday criminals like date rapists and such. That had made me so angry when we caught that guy in the alley with the drugged girl.

I was once that girl, just without the drugs. I was her on a weekly basis. But that's gone now! No need to focus on that and had another breakdown.

I take a deep breath as I peel out of my hero costume and left the mask on the bedside table next to the lava lamp that gave the room an eerie glow. I smiled thinking of my time at the mall with Kaminari, somehow he always lifted my mood.

I sighed and once again stood up, grabbing a black towel and some spare clothes before hurrying down to the boys shared shower, usually I would take a shower at midnight but I guess now will do.

I showered in the darkness, the only light coming from my phones flashlight that was pointed ag the roof. After I had washed my hair and rinsed my body I dried off and got dressed in the fresh boxers and baggy black sweatpants I had brought.

As I walked down the halls with bare feet I dried my hair with my towel. It was less frizzy for now, the only time it seemed to go down was in water, must be genetics I guess.

I go to my room and flop face-down onto my bed with a grunt. Maybe I could catch an hour before school ... . . . . . .


I couldn't sleep, so I just listened to music and waited for my alarm to go off, signifying that it was time to get dressed and start walking.

When said alarm rang I turned it off, got dressed, yawned, then walked out of my dorm to see Kaminari doing the same. As he started walking I put my chin on his head and hugged his shoulders causing him to stop.

"Could you taze the sleep away?" I ask him then yawn as I let go, i was joking so when he poked my chest and i felt electricity run through my bones I was .... shocked 《IM SO SORRY FORGIVE ME FOR THE DAD JOKE》

I jumped and i could feel my hair more on-end than usual. I looked at Kaminari to ask 'what the hell' then I stopped and shrugged "I asked for it" I said simply.

I actually did feel less hazy as we walked together, his shoulder brushing my arm every few steps. I honestly wanted to wrap my arm around his shoulders, hold him close an- WHAT THe fuck.... that actually sounds nice....

I shake the thoughts away as we get to class and split, going to our separate desks. Mine in the back and his in the front. I wish I could sit closer to him but alas I'm afraid not.

The day goes rather quickly, at lunch he did offer me a seat with the Bakusquad but I decided against it but told him another day... some day, just maybe.

The rest of the school day was normal, my other uncle, Shouta's husband Yamada, would teach us language arts then we'd go and train with workout equipment, then do stuff with our quirks.

After school on my way to the dorms the whole Bakusquad came to Kaminari's dorm and they invited me as they passed so I awkwardly agreed.

After we all got into our normal out of school clothes we met up at Kaminari's room and I sat on the bed while they talked, honestly I dont do social interaction but for Kaminari I'll bare it.

"OOO LETS PLAY TRUTH OR DARE!!" the pink skinned girl, Mina, yelled and everyone hollered in agreement while Bakugo and I shared an annoyed look. I never thought I'd agree with Bakugo but seems theres a surprise around every corner.

Walls Are Made To Be Broken《Shinkami》 FINISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now