Chapter 13

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Lisa's POV

I groan as I open my eyes. I'm in my room. My chest starts to feel heavy as I remember all the events earlier today. I check the clock. It's 3:40!! I slept for a solid 4 hours. I sit up, carefully. I start to feel guilty for the way I treated Taehyung. He was only concerned for me and I pushed him away, again. 

I stand up and go to the door. I hear voices. Tae and Jimin must still be here.

"I've never seen him that angry" Jungkook

"Well you know how he gets whenever someone touches Lali" Jin

"Does he get that pissed off every time?" Tae Oppa asked 

"I remember one time, in middle school, a bunch of girls was bullying Pokpak, and we found her on the side of the road, crying, that day. She tried to hide it, she faked a smile. But, finally Yoongi found out the truth and he blew up. He yelled at the girls and punched the boys. When it comes to Lali, that man knows no honor" Jimin replied

I open the door, slowly, so they can't hear me. I take a peek at their faces. Jin and Jungkook look tired, weary. Jimin looks concerned, his forehead creased as if thinking deeply. Tae looks like he's been crying. What the actual hell? I hurt him that much? 

Tears immediately well up in my eyes and I walk out slowly. All eyes turn to me, my brothers look alert, immediately. Jimin's eyes widen. Tae stands up. I run to him and pull him close in a hug. He puts his face in the crook of my neck. I am sobbing by now.

"I'm sorry. Mianhe. Mianhe. I've been so inconsiderate to your feelings. I'm sorry" I sobbed

"Shhhh, Baby. I understand. Don't cry. Shhhhhh" I calm down slowly and we sit down, me in his lap.

"Did Oppa call?" I ask, knowing the answer already. Jin came and knelt in front of me.

"Aniyo, sweetie. But, as soon as he does, I'll let you know" he said gently. I nod. 

"Now, let's get you some food, Pokpak," Jimin says, breaking the silence. My brothers get up to get it for me. They come back with my favorite dish, Mango Sticky Rice. It looks delicious, but as soon as I smell the food. I want to throw up.

I jump off Tae's lap and ran to the bathroom, locking the door behind me. I throw up the contents of my stomach, which isn't much. The boys are pounding on the door.

"BABY!! GWENCHANA?! LET ME IN!!!" Tae yelled

"Pokpak, gwenchana?!" Jimin asked

"Sweetie! Let me take your temperature!" Jin yelled

"Lali!! Open this door right now!!" Jungkook yelled 

I unlock the door after cleaning my teeth, Tae embraces me in a hug

"Baby! Gwenchana?!" he asked, while Jin was checking my forehead. Jungkook and Jimin were looking at me worriedly. I nod. 

Tae doesn't let go of me for the rest of the night. 

The next morning

I wake up to find Tae next to me, snoring gently. I am admiring his beautiful face when I am faced with the sudden urge to throw up again. I run to the bathroom. When I am done, I sit on the toilet and think. It can't be food poisoning because I haven't eaten much. It could possibly be a bacterial virus or infection of some sort. I freeze when I remember.

We didn't use protection. That night me and Tae didn't use protection. My period is also a week and a half late.

Could I possibly be pregnant? My eyes widen at the thought. I decide not to tell anyone until I am positive.

I get changed to go out and head downstairs. All four boys look at me.

"Where do you think you're going?" Jin asked, very motherly all of a sudden

"No way in hell your wearing that" Tae growled, his overprotective, jealous, possessive side kicking in.

I look at my outfit:

I mean, it's not that bad

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I mean, it's not that bad. I even wore stockings, and only one shoulder is ripped.

"Aniyo, Oppa. I'll be back soon." I say, and before they could object, I ran out of the house. Tae followed me.

"BABY!!" I stop and turn around

"I want you back in half an hour, and be careful. I'll be timing you" he said, hugging me tightly and kissing me.

"Bye Oppa," I say, before running to the convenience store. When I got there, the sales lady asked me if she could help me.

"Yes, actually. I'm looking for the pregnancy tests" I whispered, shyly. She looked at me sympathetically before leading me to the baby section. 

"Best of luck" she whispered to me before leaving. I shakily inhaled and picked the cheapest one. These things are expensive!! I went to the checkout and just chucked some chips and stuff on top to put in the bag. If I returned with nothing, it would look suspicious. I thank the sales lady and run out.

I get back home, after putting the test in my pocket, and dump the bag on the counter. 

"I brought snacks for all of you!!" I yell. All the boys come running from the lounge and rip open the snacks, fighting over them. I laugh.

"SO NO THANK YOU?!?!" I yell, shaking my head. My brothers shook their heads, Jimin muttered a thankyou before stuffing his face. Tae walked up to me and kissed my cheek.

"Thank you, Baby" he whispered. I nodded.

"I'm just going to go take a shower" I lied, I needed to make sure that they didn't interrupt me while I was doing the test. They all nodded

"Be careful, Baby" Tae said.

"I will, Oppa" I smile, before heading to the bathroom and turning the shower on so my lie was believable. I pee on all the tests. There were 4 in total. It was the longest 2 minutes of my life. Before checking the sticks, I turn the shower off. I close my eyes and flip all the sticks before looking at them.

I take a deep breath and open my eyes. The sight before me is scary. Will Tae leave me? Will my brother's kick me out?

How do I tell them all that I am pregnant with Kim Taehyung's baby?

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