Chapter 28

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2 weeks later

Lisa's POV:

I open my eyes, groggily, and sit up. I am in my bed, and Taehyung is passed out next to me. It should be the babies feeding time now, why aren't they crying? I get out of bed to check on them, in case anything is wrong. As I open the door to the spare room in our house, which we are converting into a nursery, I see Jin holding Jong Hyun and Jimin holding Min Jun. They are feeding them out of bottles.

After we brought the babies home, Jimin, Yoongi, Namjoon, and Hoseok have really been helping out, so we can sleep. I enter the room slowly and both boys look up. 

"How are they?" I whisper

"Min Jun just fell asleep, but Jong Hyun isn't sleeping," Jimin says, gesturing to Jong Hyun. Jin passes him to me. I rock him gently and hold him close. He is out in 3 seconds flat. I put him back in the cot, Jimin does the same with Min Jun. I look up and proceed to almost start laughing. Jin's face is contorted in jealousy. We exit the room and Old Man Jin starts complaining.

"Yah, Jong Hyun, that brat. I was holding him for so long. I fed him and I rocked him and I sang to him. Yah, waeeeeee?!" he whines in a space of 2 seconds. Jimin starts laughing.

"Oppa, sometimes a baby will only fall asleep with its mother," I say gently, hugging Jin. 

"Thank you both for helping out so much," I say quietly

"Anything for you, Sweetie," Jin says. Jimin nods.

"Go back to sleep, now. Both of you" I say to them

"you too, Pokpak," Jimin says. We say goodnight and go back to bed. I enter my room to see Taehyung sitting up in surprise. I walk quickly over to the bed and hug him. 

"It's OK, Tae. I'm here, you can go back to sleep" I say softly. He looks at me and hugs me back, before proceeding to fall asleep wrapped around me like a squid.


I wake up and see Taehyung is not next to me. I assume he's with the babies or making breakfast. I walk downstairs and check on the babies, both are still sleeping. It was surprising at first, but they sleep in quite well, which is a blessing. I go to the kitchen and see that there is nobody there. I get a bit worried. I check Jin's room. Nobody. Jungkook's room, nobody. I am panicking a bit now. 

I go outside, but stop when I see a carpet of rose petals in the driveway. 

"Tae Oppa?" I call out. I walk down the path. Soft music starts playing. Jin, Jungkook, Yoongi, and Jimin come out dressed in suits. I am very confused. Taehyung appears from god knows where and walks down the other side. He is carrying a small box. I put my hand on my mouth as I realize what is happening

"Taehyung," I say softly as he takes my hand. He looks into my eyes.

"Baby, we've been through so many things together. I love you to the moon and back, I love our babies, your family has become like my family. Would you make me the proudest, luckiest man on earth and do me the honour of marrying me?" he asks in his deep voice.

"Yes" I respond quietly, we are both crying. He stands up and puts the ring on my finger and kisses me. 

"YAYYYYYY!!!" Jungkook yells. Jin smacks his head

"Yah, pabo. You have a way of interrupting all their moments, don't you?" he asks angrily. I go up to them and hug them. I hug Yoongi and Jimin. I look at Taehyung and he hugs me tightly.

"I love you so much, Baby" he whispers.

"I love you too, Oppa" I whisper back

"WAAAAAAA" we hear a piercing cry from inside the house. Min Jun and Jong Hyun have probably woken up. We all look at each other.

"Well, at least it wasn't me this time," Jungkook says happily, earning a glare from Jin. We all rush inside, Taehyung picks up Min Jun and Jin picks up Jong Hyun. I decide to get under his skin.

"Oppa, are you practising for when you and Jisoo Unnie get married?" I ask him. He hits my arm. Did I mention that Jisoo and Jin started dating? Just after the babies were born. I laughed so hard when Jisoo Unnie told me. They were the last to know that they liked each other.

Jimin, Yoongi and Jungkook are talking in the corner while Jin and Taehyung are feeding the babies. I meet eyes with Taehyung and we both smile. This is what family looks like, I thought. Taehyung comes over and kisses me.

"I never thought I would end up marrying my desk mate," I say playfully. He chuckles.

"Well, we are perfect for each other, Baby," he says back

"Exactly, we're like...." I trail off, thinking of a phrase to describe us. He responds.

"We're like Ice and Fire"

The End

Author's note:

Hey guys!!! This is the end of the story! What did you think of it? Comment and let me know. I am hoping to publish new books and I have two other books if you want to check them out. THANKS SO MUCH FOR READING!!!!!

I purple you 


Author-nim 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜

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