Death and Life of a Stranger

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I never knew death would take me, I was arrogant and I realized it too late. I wanted to fight the devil because I knew he was going to drag me to hell for loving Annie Stelle as hard as I do. She makes it so easy, she doesn't even know how easy it is to love her. She never knew it was my eyes looking at her longingly whenever Grey would pick her up from my family store. Little did I know she would love him more than me. She drove away that day and never came back, she said she would be back, she never came back. I feel death creeping up quickly, yet I want to hang on, I want to see her ocean blue eyes looking down on me with love and beg me to stay. To tell me that she forgives me for the utter mess I just made. A man has a lot of regrets as he faces deaths door. I'm a sinner and I have no one to tell my confessions to. I open my mouth to try to speak but no words can form. Why aren't words coming out of my lips? I'm still alive. I can hear Grey's goon going on about how the place is burning down around them. Hell yeah it's burning you dumb fuck, I wanted to destroy everything Grey owned. You should see his cars, oh if you think this is bad, they are done, everyone of them a disaster, toast. At least I'm going out in style. Why can't I feel anything? I want to at least feel pain, but I don't even feel that right now. I should be feeling something.

Am I already dead and in fucking purgatory. Oh hell, I'm in purgatory, my grandmother warned me about this. I'm going to be judged and it won't be pretty. Well, maybe it will, I can watch the movie of my life with Saint Peter and laugh my ass off over the stupid shit I did. Like taking that girl that looked just like Annie Steele behind the store amd fucking her senseless until she cried, just because I could. Yeah I'm going to hell for that. The parties at Princeton were nothing, I was a drunk and partied until I had class the next day. The fucking girls who looked like Annie Steele bent over my Porsche because I wanted to, those are my sins. Blowing up Greys cars, burning down his apartment, trying to kill him and his men, all of my sins. I'm going to hell. I guess trying to take Annie Steele from him is a sin too, it's one of those don't covet a mans wife things I'm guessing.

I hear the big goon talking about fire suppression systems and needing dry materials and morphine. What the fuck, am I seriously still alive. FUCK ME! Maybe I do want to die. Why did this asshole save me. How did this asshole save me? Is he some sort of Superman or a God Damn for real super hero, I mean damn, what's s dude got to do to just fucking die and kill a few people in the process. Fuck him I think I will die on his ass and not give him the satisfaction of staying alive. The world can kiss my ass.

Taylor POV

I'm no stranger to death, we have danced the tango together many times together. Today, death is taking the lead as my partner and I do not like this dance. My dance card has been full for a long time and for Gail's sake I really need to take the lead and sit this dance out. We have way too much of a good thing going on, our future looks too damn bright, fuck me I want her to have my babies too. My instincts are to ride it out, let death come and lead me to a safe place, keep me warm and caress me to my final journey. I already have made my peace with the world years ago. When leading SPECOPS you learn to accept your fate and move on, death is always at your door, welcome the dance, understand what is going to happen and pray that either hell or heaven will welcome you in. I'm hoping for the later, that way I will be with Gail in the afterlife, because she is so good and kind. I have a feeling that hell has a special place for me though, I've done bad things, killed the enemy, defended those I care for, so maybe that counts for good. I'm not a religious man. I pretty much gave up, Gail is and after this if I make it out safely I'm going be by her side on Sunday's earning my forgiveness.

The pain coursing through my body tells me I'm living, but the outcome won't be pretty, but I'm living so I'm going be hearing Gail cuss me out hopefully, that makes me smile, albeit painfully. I slide over to Nigel who is breathing shallower, I'm worried about him, his bleeding has also increased, I start holding some pressure onto the most serious injury I see, and praying for a miracle. I need to get him evacuated as soon as safely possible. I'm so fucked, if I hadn't locked us in here I could have gotten him out to the helo pad. Now we have to wait for the fire department and Mr. Grey to get us out.

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