Espresso addict (Tim)

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You groggily made your way to the entrance of the coffee shop. And promptly walked face-first into the glass.

you rubbed your head and muttered a few choice words before pushing the door open. The brass bells tinkled merrily, mocking you. Your exhausted brain didn't notice the door because you could see through it. Great.

You knew some espresso would help but tragically there was already a bit of a line. The universes cruel way of keeping you from the caffeine you so desperately needed. You struggled to blink the haze from your eyes and think clearly. After all, you were going on 36 hours of no sleep and regret.

You dimly registered the soft sound of the bells behind you before you were flat on your face. You felt someone on top of you and heard a soft groan. The person rolled off you, and you turned around and sat up, grabbing the hand they offered you.

"Jeez, I'm so sorry" the slightly familiar-looking raven-haired teen babbled while helping you to your feet.

"No worries" you replied tiredly, checking to make sure your laptop survived.

"I guess I just didn't see you," he said while rubbing his eyes "I've been awake for a good 32 hours."

You grinned up at him "going on 36, I feel you dude."

"Dang," he said shocked "you should get some sleep."

"Look who's talking!" you wearily chuckled "besides sleep is for chumps. I've got coffee."

Noticing it was your turn to order you turned your attention to the barista and ordered a scone along with the largest, strongest cup of coffee they had. You still had a lot of work to do while in Gotham and were determined to finish before your deadline. Grabbing your coffee from the rather concerned employee, you made your way to an empty table in the corner.

You riffled through your messenger bag and pulled out your laptop along with some papers. Going over what was in front of you, you sipped on your espresso as dark as the pits of Tartarus and gladly ate the buttery scone.

With newfound energy and gallons of resolve, you pulled your laptop closer and began furiously typing like a madwoman. Self-consciously you hoped the clickity-clack of your keys wasn't making to much noise. It's not like you were trying to be rude but you had a deadline. 

You had most likely sat there busily working for an hour or two before the corner of your screen flashed a warning.

"Oh no, 5%, but I'm not finished!" you whispered to your self in a panic. you dug around your bag and luckily even in your sleep-deprived state you remembered to bring a charger. Frantically you turned in your seat only to see that there was no outlet.

You took a deep breath so as not to panic and scanned the room for an outlet. As luck would have it there was one empty at the seat near a raven-haired teen. The same boy who had fallen on top of you was now hunched over some papers and raking a hand through his dark hair.

You silently argued with your self before gathering your things and draining the rest of your cup. You walked over and tapped him on the shoulder, he jumped slightly at the interruption looking as tired as you felt.

You sighed and quickly asked "I'm so sorry but can I sit with you, the only free outlet is at this table and I really need to use it because I have a dangerously close deadline and my boss will kill me if I'm late wit--"

He cut off your rambling with a cute, sleepy laugh. "Sure" he smiled.

He moved his things to one side of the table. With a breath of relief, you gratefully sat in the empty chair across from him. While setting up your charger and laptop you noticed that he also ordered the coffee as dark as night. You once again engrossed your self in your work. 

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