Peppermint (Dick)

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You sat on the ledge of a rooftop, overlooking Gotham city, as the vigilante hero known as Sparrow. The inky sky was alight with crushed opal and diamonds. Stars, they were indeed a rare sight in the grisly city of the bat.

You stared, soaking in as much of it as you could while swinging your legs and humming to yourself. You were so wrapped up in the lights that you nearly jumped 10 feet at the sound of a deep chuckle.

"Having fun?" your partner Nightwing asked amused.

"Just enjoying the view" you responded. He came over and sat next to you "Yeah, the views pretty great."

You turned to see him looking at you. Luckily the cold hid your blush. The wind picked up a bit and you pulled out a tube from your utility belt. It was chapstick, you applied some and pursed your lips. Being a vigilante is not an excuse for getting chapped lips or cracked skin.

"What flavor is that?" Nightwing asked. 

"Oh," you turned to face him "it's peppermint."

"Can I try it?"

You handed it to him, who would've thought Dick cared about that, "sure."

Next thing you knew his warm lips crashed down onto yours. It was slow and soft, comforting in ways that words would never be. You kissed back after a moment of hesitation. He rested his hand below your ear, his thumb caressing your cheek as he deepened the kiss.

Once you both pulled away he muttered: "Holy shit it does taste like peppermint."

You just grinned, the cold unable to hide the blood rushing to your cheeks.

Ruining the moment your comms crackled to life. Nightwing groaned. You just giggled at his behavior.

(I'm sorry if that was terrible I've actually never written a kiss scene before. I just thought this up and thought it would be cute)

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