Your day (Batsis!)

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n/n = nickname

You came home from school and crashed straight onto your bed. After the events of the day, you were too exhausted to do your homework or even change out of your uniform. The colors of your surroundings swirled in your vision until there was nothing but black.


Dick's POV

"Master Dick," Alfred called "would you be so kind as to fetch Master's Tim and Y/n for dinner."

"You got it, Alf."  I got up from my seat on the couch.

I made my way upstairs to my younger siblings' rooms, Tim's door was first so I decided to get him first. 

Once I peeked my head into the room I saw Tim haunched over his computer with a cup of coffee. Of course. He didn't hear me walk inside the room... I have an idea!

I tip-toed till I was directly behind him and decided that giving him a good scare ought to wake him. As soon as I grabbed his shoulders and roared he screamed like an eight-year-old. 

"Dick! What the hell!?" He shouted.

It took me a minute to catch my breath from laughing so hard. After I stood up straight again I just told him,

"Alfred says dinners ready, so unless you want Jason and Titus to eat it all I'd get your butt down there."

He groaned but got up and dragged himself down there anyways. Now that Tim's up I should go and get Y/n. Although knowing n/n she's probably on Netflix because she did her homework during class or something like that.

I walked over to her bedroom and knocked on the door. Wouldn't wanna walk in on her changing, you only make that mistake once.

"Hey, n/n, Alfred said to come and tell you dinners ready."

I quietly waited in the hall for a minute with no reply. I didn't even hear any noise come from her room. That's weird n/n loves food as much as Tim loves coffee. I knocked and waited again... ... . . .  nothin'.

I got a little worried so I decided to come in.

"N/n you in~" I let my sentence trail off when I saw her.

She was sprawled across the bed, on top of the covers, still in her uniform. Her backpack laid in an untouched heap next to her bedframe. And worst of all she looked exhausted. Like more exhausted then I've ever seen her.

I felt my brows furrow as I made my over to her.

"Hey." I shook her lightly "N/n you gotta get up. Dinners ready." 

She just continued sleeping like I wasn't even there.

"N/n." I shook her a bit harder.

Her eyes squinted before slowly opening.

"Dick?" she yawned "What're you doing in here?"

I sighed and ran a hand through my hair, "Alfred told me to come and get you dinners done."

She got up slowly and rubbed her eyes while yawning again.

"I'll be right down, go ahead without me."

I gave her a worried look, "maybe I should-"

"I'm fine," she cut me off "just had a bit of a tough day at school."

That didn't reassure me at all. I guess she could tell because she gave me a small smile before pushing me out of the room.

I made my way back towards the others and sighed.

"I hope she's alright."


Narrator POV

At Dinner that night...

The whole Bat-family sat at the dinner table enjoying their meals. Alfred had made alfredo pasta with garlic bread and broccoli. The food was amazing as per usual, Alfred's cooking never ceases to astound.

Though it seemed everyone had noticed your odd behavior. That paired up with the dark circles under your eyes and the fact that you were still in your uniform had everyone worried, even Damian. 

Bruce shared a look with Alfred and his eldest, as though looking for approval, before clearing his throat and addressing the table. "How were your days?"

After no one spoke you slowly lowered your fork to see your family's almost nervous expressions, all directed at you. Tim was gripping his mug handle like it was a lifeline. Dick kept fidgeting in his seat. Jason was leaning back in his chair with a deep frown, and Damian and Bruce were stiff as statues. Not to mention the amount of worry in Alfred's eyes nearly made you feel guilty. 

"Well," you said licking cheese off your lips, "I almost choked to death on a kiwi and the point guard hosted brunch so that the unicorn and I could parley."

You went back to eating your dinner as though you had just told them the time of day. Bruce just opened and closed his mouth like a gaping fish. The boys didn't seem to process your words any better.

"What that's it!?" Jason asked, sitting up abruptly. "You're going to leave it there? No context whatsoever!?" 

A/n: Should I make a part 2 where I give you guys the context? Because it exists. Also, I might do some late Halloween one-shots.

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