Thanksgiving (Damian)

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Okay I know this is late and it's now nondescript winter holiday season/my birthday time but I don't care. For my sanity when I write and imagine these with demon spawn, he's older. No pedo alright guys.



Alfred drove me and Damian to Wayne manor since he insisted on picking me up. He thinks I 'procrastinate too much' on getting ready and that means I'm 'alway's late'. With his nighttime activities, you would think that he's always late too. You'd be wrong.

Despite his minor flaws (which he denies he has) I still love him. I would do anything for him, just like I know he would die for me. But he better not, I would revive him to yell at him, kill him, then revive him again.

His warm lips fluttered on my forehead and he wrapped his arm around me. I just snuggle into his jacket while thinking. 

My parents aren't going to be home this Thanksgiving. They work a lot and this week their company sent them to India. I'm not that upset, just a bit disappointed but they promised to make it up in December.

Luckily I have an amazing boyfriend who's family invited me to their house for the holiday. It'll be great to catch up with Tim since he and Dami don't exactly get along. But being the evil genius I am, I got both boys to agree not to be at each other's throats for holidays. Since it's a verbal contract and I recorded it there's no backing out.


Later at dinner... 

After catching up it was time for the traditional Thanksgiving dinner. Alfred had quite outdone himself this year. There were all kinds of vibrant dishes and pies along the table. And at the center there was a plump basted turkey, Jason was even drooling a little.

The aforementioned drool monster was about to gobble up the entire spread until Dick stood.

"How about this year we go around and say what we're thankful for?" 

Most of the table (Me, Steph, Duke, Cass, Alfred, and Tim) gave enthusiastic responses. Ranging from,

"Hell yeah!"


"You guys don't normally do that?".

Not everyone at the table shared in the jubilee though. Their opinions on the idea went from silence to "Dick I wanted to eat!".

In the end, we ended up going around the table saying what we're thankful for. Starting with Bruce and going clockwise. Some of the answers were a bit more disturbing than others.

"I am grateful for Alfred," Bruce turned to the elderly man "My life would have been intolerable without you in it."

It was Alfred's turn and he was tearing up a bit at Bruce's words. Frankly so was I. "I am thankful that this year no one had to say goodbye."

Everyone took Alfred's words to heart. With what they do It was a miracle every day that they were all still alive. Jason may be a zombie but he could still die again. Next was Dick.

He slung his arm around Tim the brother next to him and said "I'm so grateful for all you guys. yeah, we have our ups and downs but all families do. I couldn't imagine what life would be like had Bruce not taken me in- not taken all of us under his wing." his voice cracked up a bit "I love you guys."

Tim raised a glass "I'm thankful that my chemical romance is coming back." 

Tim's resulted in a few cheers from the table (including me) and an odd look from Bruce.

"I'm thankful," Steph said, "for Alfred's cooking."

Everyone laughed at Steph's comment.

"No really." She laughed "I'm thankful I get to spend today with you guys."

"My turn!" Jason shouted. "Even though I totally think this is a stupid idea, I'm thankful that you guys actually care. I'm not saying the world isn't going to shit and I'm not saying you guys don't suck but... someone has to give a damn and you guys try."

Jason's speech hung the air for a minute. Despite his poor choice of wording, it was one of the few compliments he gave out. And even worse his words kinda made sense.

Now it was time for Duke to address the table.

His eyes crinkled while he smiled, "I'm thankful for my grandma who ditched me for an old people barbeque."

He paused for a second while everyone laughed, "and I'm thankful that the bad guys are taking today off, papa want's to eat his turkey in peace." 

That comment got more laughs than the first. Once the room died down it was time for Cass to say what she was grateful for.

She was quiet for a minute contemplating what to actually say at her first thanksgiving. "I'm thankful for Bruce adopting me and for you all accepting me into this weird family. Even though I'm always gone I finally feel like I have a place to just, hang my hat, and call home."

Cass had left the room in a sentimental bliss. It was clear her words affected each person differently. Dick just had this nostalgic look on his features. And Bruce's eyes were lit up by the warm smile on his face.

Damian and I were holding hands under the table, so I gave him a light squeeze. It was his turn and everyone knows he's not the best when it comes to feelings and all that. He was relatively new to it.

Damian glared at the table while everyone waited for what he was going to say. I could tell he wanted to say me but the thing was... his family didn't know I was his girlfriend yet. We could just never find the right time to tell them. To be frank, it was a bit nice not having to worry about the drama his brothers would stir with this new information.

After what felt like an hour (but was less than five minutes) he finally said, 

"VSCO girls."

Nobody said anything.


I couldn't suppress the giggle that escaped my lips. His reason was just so... him. We all knew he had soft spot for animals, hell he loves them so much he's a vegetarian, and I love that about him. The way he acts all tough but deep down is a softie who's secretly an eco-warrior that likes to cuddle with baby ducks.

"I'm thankful," I chimed in, "for Dami." 

I leaned over and gave him an innocent peck on the lips. Dick started choking on air trying to rapidly fire questions at us and Steph was just going 'awe'.

I figured Dami's what I'm most thankful for this year and when else is everyone going to be in the same room again.

After a moment of shock, Dami rolled his eyes and lifted your intertwined fingers from beneath the table.

"We were holding hands the whole time and none of you noticed. tt world's greatest detectives everyone."

The room was once again quiet as they tried piecing together how long we left them in the dark. And why they had never noticed.

Duke was the one to break the silence, "did she just call you 'Dami'?" 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2019 ⏰

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