Name: Frozan
Universe: Dragon ball z - Super (7th)
(Also gt)
Know as: Lord FrozanRace: Frost Demons (Frieza race)
Age: 13 years younger then Frieza
Relation: Frieza and Cooler's cousin
Forms: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 100%, Silver, 100% Silver. Has golden but refuses to use it cause he hates his cousin.
Heights and Weights: varies base on form. About the same as frieza more or less.
Attacks: Death beam, death wave, Fissure slash, death ball, Death crushed, Ice beam, paralysis, bluenova, Final Death Beam, Cataclysmic End.
Like: Nitsua and Chara, but wants to force them to be his.
Torturing opponent until he finishes them.
Bloody wine.
Taunting and making fun of others
A lot of food on earth, which explains why he hasn't tried blowing it up yet.Dislikes: any other race
How frieza taunts him about his weakness, Good thing he's dead (until super).GT timeline: same situation, but older and has some scars. And has a 5th form instead of silver.
Not saying whether or not he dies in the book.