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A Parallel universe, ancient Egypt

Angus placed a spit tab with his spit on it into the large cloning machine, that had been created by his father a mere four years ago, just before he had passed away. Angus slotted the tab through the small gap that had a little blue sign above it that read "spit tab insert." He slammed his gloved hand onto the big red power button and the machine whirred into life.

The piece of plastic that consisted partially of the atoms that make up human skin stood in the middle of a glass chamber. A little needle stabbed in and out of it on the end of a large robotic arm, carving the plastic figures skin in to the exact shape of Angus' own.

When the clone's body was complete and looked freakishly like his own, which, of cause, it should, Angus moved the clone out of the glass chamber and into an airtight capsule with a small and slightly foggy window where he could see the face of the clone, he then sent the capsule into a small lift a that was especially designed for carrying the fragile bodies of the clones. Angus watched the clone drop down the shaft, disappearing from sight.

As the capsule went down millions of syringe like spikes stuck into it and injected artificial organs and arteries into the plastic body. After the lift had gone hundreds of meters below the surface of the earth the clone was put onto a small conveyor belt and moved into a 'nest' where all Angus' other clones were kept to grow up and develop their artificial organs and intelligence.

Angus Paced up and down the cloning room, occasionally adding another spit tab to the machine and creating more and more and more clones, "The perfect weapon to take over the universe...or" He pondered cunningly looking up into the heavens and thinking, "Universes"

"But" Angus thought to himself,"I first must kill that boy...Artemis Fowl." (Artemis didn't know it yet, but he was multi-universe wide famous for his extremely high intelligence) "He could be a nuisance"

"And" thought Angus,"On second thoughts His fairy friends as well"

Angus could feel universal domination at the tips of his fingers and all he had to do was grab it before it was snatched away from him.


Clone NO.82 woke up, light shining in its face, not knowing he would be the first of Angus' clones to set foot in the parallel universe. Or to destroy Artemis Fowl and the LEP single handedly.

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