Chapter Seven

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If I thought we were untouchable before, it has only reached an entirely new level when we reenter the underground at dawn, having remained out all night. In that time, Elijah has nurtured my fearful heart, giving me the strength to return knowing everyone here has been brutally enlightened to my unrestrained abilities.

Eyes follow more than they did before. I am less eager to bask in the attention, sticking firmly to Elijah's side. As if I can't trust myself, I keep both of my hands tucked around one of his. Stohl is the first to greet us without any uncertainty or reverence. Edmond is nowhere to be seen.

"We sincerely apologize for the commotion last night. I believe it got out of hand. We understand if you wish us to go," Elijah says, only because I begged him to, not wishing to stay in a place we aren't welcome.

As Elijah already predicted, Stohl makes a sound of nonchalance. "We're creatures of the night. Violence is in our nature. Do not fret about that. Edmond left this morning, anyway."

"Because of me?" I ask.

"He offended you and your mate. I think he thought it best."

I don't let any of them see how much that affects me. The guy was a dick, but I still went too far. Now, I can't even make it right... Fuck it, maybe it's for the best.

"We're honored you both have come here to dwell. Lyle—"

Elijah corrects him. "Elijah."

Stohl nods, continuing. "You could have told me the truth."

Elijah pats his arm, encouraging me around the table. "We wished to live without all of that, if only for a short while."

"Well, no one here will reveal her after the threats that were made, I can assure you." Stohl takes my hand gently, and bows his head to my knuckles. "You are very welcome here, mistress."

"Thank you."

Like Stohl, as Elijah and I ease through the room, heads bow in acknowledgement, the community of vampire's thoughts as a whole ranging from immense curiosity to a deep uncertainty of my intentions.

For them. For the world.

Elijah, like me, remains quiet until we're deep through the tunnels, on route to our room.

"Maybe we should think of leaving here," I say softly.

"You may be right. We'll find no peace here now, I reckon."

He unlocks the door and opens it, and I'm surprised to find it hasn't been rummaged through by disgruntled vampires. My threats seem to have landed.

I unwind the shawl around my shoulders as he shuts it. "I'm sorry. I know we just got here... I should have controlled my powers better."

"It's who you are. I don't want you to deny them."

As I'm resting the shawl on the back of a chair, my eyes swivel to the table, realizing items there that weren't before. Long stems of newly bloomed roses, except the petals are painted black. I glance to Elijah.

"The door was locked right?"

He nods. "Yes. We're the only ones with the key."

The glass vase the bouquet is set in is slim and carved with elegance. Noticing a card tucked in the bundle, I push through the petals for it, gasping when I discover that they are not painted. The roses are just black. A pure black, it's clear even in this dim light.

I move the soft velvet petal between my forefinger and thumb, feeling Elijah come up beside me. "I didn't know roses could be black."

He is all suspicion. "Because they can't."

"You really didn't do this?"

He shakes his head. "I didn't. What does the note say?"

I scan the single line of immaculate cursive, and my already tight chest swells with panic. I won't say it aloud, instead handing it over to Elijah, wishing I didn't have to.

For a few seconds, even though I'm sure he's read over the line multiple times, he's dead silent. I pull myself from the flowers that seem damn near radioactive and away from the stiff vampire the rage is building within rapidly.

He reads it off, drawling out each word with frustration. "My dark nights are spent with one solitary thought: you."

I have a deep urge to laugh, because the intention is so preposterous, but I keep in check, positive Elijah would lose it. Scowling, he looks at me.

"Who the hell would write this to you?"

"One of my many admirers, I'd guess," I tease, receiving no laughter from him. "Oh, come on. That was funny."

"I find nothing about this humorous."


"Because I've been insulted, challenged. Only a creature could have left this here in the underground, a profession of love in our bed chamber."

I hadn't thought of it that way. I grab the note from him and to placate him, I hold it within the flame on the table, watching it catch fire quickly. "You think it was a vampire?"

He counters my question pointedly. "You don't?"

We look at each other. The look is the same.

It's clear we both have the same guess as to who it could be... an unnamed man that lurks in shadows. This is the first true contact, if it was him. I open my mouth to speak, but Elijah suddenly glances to the door.

I hear it too. Footsteps approaching.

Unafraid of anyone that could be behind it, I don't even reach for weapons. As soon as the wood begins to part with a groan, I grin, realizing there wasn't even a need.

Damien leans against the doorframe, dramatically, revealing Paris and Erika behind him.

"Go on. Tell me you missed me."

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