Chapter Twenty-Four

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My finger traces a single line of water from the peak of Akan's hairline down between his blonde brows, stopping when Samael informs me to. He sets down the chalice that contains the liquid I dipped my hands into before touching Akan.

Now, according to Samael, Akan has been marked with divinity.

He is no longer a spirit, a soul trapped in the underworld.

He is a demon.

His suffering is over. He is once again, immortal.

The room of judgment is lit up floor to ceiling with wax candles, draped with black banners. Samael's advisors as well as the other demons living within the fifth heaven are present for not only Akan's initiation, but also for my first addressing to Samael's constituents.

As he says... my constituents.

There's no applause at the conclusion, no cheers. Instead, the household begins circling in all around him. Samael grabs my hand, guiding me to his side while they cage Akan in a circle formation. Watching cautiously, unsure of their initiations, I'm relieved to see them all reach out to lay a hand on him in acceptance. The ones that cannot touch him set hands on the person closest, until they've woven themselves into an intricate pattern surrounding the new member of their family.

Samael leans close. "You did well."

I smile, widely, feeling accomplished. "Thanks."

They begin to disburse, the beautiful men and women chatting amongst themselves on the way out. Akan, looking particularly overwhelmed, stumbles over to where we are. He bows courteously to Samael, then to me. Even after a month, the bowing still gives me the creeps.

"Welcome," Samael says, naturally lacking warmth.

"Thank you. I will not let you down, My Lord."

"I'm sure you won't." Samael glances to me. "I must meet with Grey. I'll meet with you later?"

"You're going to leave me wandering? Really?"

He smiles. "You're definitely welcome to join me for the meeting—"

"No. No, I'm good here."

He rolls his eyes, not arguing further, used to my stubbornness. Grey is waiting for him at the foot of the doors, but Samael doesn't rush.

"So, how do you feel?" I ask Akan excitedly once Samael's out of earshot, removing the robe that was placed over him at the start of the ceremony. I can't seem to stop moving. My anxiety is through the roof, and since I have no cause for it, it could only mean one thing.

It's Elijah.

"Stunned. Amazed. Grateful," Akan replies.

"Don't be. I just made you a demon. Do you know how insane that sounds?"

"Almost as crazy as you being the Goddess of Darkness."


I lay the robe over my arm, trying to ignore the way my body is tightening with warning. This is his moment. I won't make it about me. "Yeah, well, fuck knows what he's going to have you do though."

"I've already been a monster before, Cassandra. Besides, anything is better than Hell."

I gesture to the long table overflowing with fruits and cakes and roasted hog, early preparations for the festivities tomorrow. "You want something to eat?"

He chuckles at first, as if I were crazy to mention it. He's used to one substance and one alone. But once he realizes he isn't restricted to a single diet source, his mouth hangs open, shocked.

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