Chapter Thirty-Two

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The English woodlands enchant the further we submerge ourselves into it's beauty, serenading a quiet song sweetly through the wind

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The English woodlands enchant the further we submerge ourselves into it's beauty, serenading a quiet song sweetly through the wind. The stream to the left flows towards a larger body of water in a steady pace, diving over discolored pebbles and mossy upturned logs on the way. The roads used by humans have been trampled upon, torn asunder by boots and carriages, but this place, this quiet haven of tranquility just miles away from an upcoming battlefront, has mystical presence at night.

Or maybe it's just us... it's solitary inhabitants.

The god and the vampire.

The woman and the man, strolling side-by-side along the edge of the rushing stream, immersed in the understanding of one another. For hours, we've spoken in hushed tones, traveling through the open woods, fearing nothing and no one. This version of Elijah hasn't seen the bulk of trauma he will in future life, and because of that, his views of the world are grand. Humans aren't as precious to him as they seem to be now. He finds joy in being this new self, relying on natural mischief and pleasure to pave this way through the long years. His parent's painful demise was less than a century ago, still ripe in his memories. It's both odd and comforting to hear him speak of them with such intimate remembrance.

Because alas, with time, the aches dull and the small moments fade.

One day, he will feel unsettled mentioning their names, to recall their love for their godly son. It will prey on him that he turned towards the nocturnal darkness in fear of his last sickly moments, thus turning away from their God for a fateful chance to live.

Elijah flings a stone towards the edge of the stream. "Does he know you're gone? Your captor?"

"I'm not sure... I doubt it. Our time is different than it is here on earth."

I lean up into a tree trunk, watching from the shadows as a rock he throws skids across the surface of the water before eventually sinking below the depth. He stands under the cool moonlight, a medieval prince of time, gazing at the vibrant forest coming to life around him. Dressed and armed for battle, he seems unreal, an apparition my mind has conjured.

He gestures towards the wide open space. "It's difficult to imagine that you and I are the foundation for the destruction of all this."

"You aren't the foundation for destruction. I am."

"And how is that accomplished? What prompts the start?"

Whenever he's steered me towards the revelations he wants, I've retreated. This time, he ensures I won't, speaking again before I can change course.

"I sense it's horror behind your eyes. You need not conceal it any further for my sake."

Tucking my arms behind my back, I nod, tired of withholding.

"Your death prompts it."

Confused, he frowns. No doubt he's wondering how he could be trying to rescue me in death. "My death?"

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