"Split Remnant" AU Explanation

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Split Remnant AU

Set a year and a half after the fall of Beacon, Vale was ruined and overrun by Grimm and Atlas was taken over by the White Fang, converting it into the home of their operations. The MC, (y/n), was one of the survivors of the initial raid of Beacon and was placed in a life-support pod in Vacuo, where the survivors of the Atlas and Vale attacks had fled to.


(y/n) (l/n)

(y/n) was released from his life-support pod eight months after being fully healed by the Atlas military team. Being a student well known for his strategic and combat prowess and being the leader of the best team in Beacon, (y/n) joined the Atlesian-turned-Vacuan military. He quickly climbed the ranks and found himself in the position of scout operative within the Special Operatives Unit, reporting under Winter Schnee.

During his time at Beacon Academy, (y/n) was a fourth-year student. His team was the top of every chart in Remnant for skill, brains, and teamwork. His team was one of the leading forces of Vale's defence during the attack. After their defeat, three of the four members were rushed into life-support pods, the fourth member falling to the hands of Adam Taurus during a one-against-one clash to the death. The three parted ways after being released from their pods, deciding it was high time they disbanded and lived their own lives.

All that remained of (y/n)'s family after the attack was his sister, Jamie. (y/n)'s parents were caught in the middle of the conflict in Vale and were overrun by Grimm. Being two years younger than her brother, Jamie also attended Beacon. Along with his brother, she escaped Beacon and Vale with her team. After she and (y/n) were released from their pods, the two moved into a home in the small town of Solis in the outskirts of Vacuo that neared the Vale border, near his military post and the home of the elder Schnee.


Winter Schnee

Winter Schnee, the elder Schnee, survived the attack on Atlas and together with General Ironwood, reestablished the Atlesian military in Vacuo. She maintained her status as Special Operative and began recruiting personnel for the Special Operatives Unit.

The Schnee family lost members after the attack. The head and son of the family, Jacques and Whiteley Schnee respectively, were slain by the White Fang. Winter's mother, Snow, had tried to flee the kingdom, but was lost in the mountains of Atlas and was never found.



After working with the elder Schnee for months, the two grew close. While (y/n) and Winter were polar opposites personality-wise, the two became good friends, possibly best friends even.

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