Chapter 1

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If you've skipped the AU explanation chapter, you should read it to understand what's happening in the book since there won't be much development in the chapters.

Just a warning.

He placed the last box into the trailer and dusted his hands off. With a smile on his face, he turned into a big embrace from his sister. "Thanks (y/n)!" She couldn't see the panic and sadness hiding behind the smile. It was better that way.

"Anytime, Jamie."

He looked up to the woman who had stolen the younger (l/n)'s heart over their time in Beacon. She was a decent gal, (y/n) couldn't deny that. She and Jamie worked well together and (y/n) knew the two would eventually confess their love for each other, but a part of him hated her for taking his sister away. He offered her a hand. "I better not hear anything about you not taking care of her." He let the threatening tone seep from his voice.

(y/n)'s hand was met with a strong grip, Jamie's fiancee shaking his hand and nodding. "Wouldn't dream of it."

"(y/n)..." Jamie chuckled as she brought the two into a hug. "We aren't going to be far if you need us." She added, looking directly at her brother.

(y/n) nodded, still putting up his smiling facade. "I'll be fine."

Jamie hugged him again, small tears twinking in her eyes. It was like an end of an era. Before the tears could fall, Jamie released the man and brushed the tears away. She walked over to the trailer and hopped in. (y/n) could tell she was a bit emotional about it, but he couldn't blame her for it since he shared the feeling, upset even, but he couldn't show it. He wouldn't want to show the pain he felt watching his little sister grow up and move away. Maybe she wasn't far, but it was far enough.

"I'll take care of her." The fiancee reiterated as she opened the driver side door.

He nodded somberly. "I know you will."

He didn't watch the car leave the driveway and travel down the street. Instead, he closed the front door to the small house he had shared with his sister since they awoke from their life-support pods.

It looked so empty now. (y/n) wasn't one to accumulate material possessions, which meant most of the homely touches that he was used to seeing were Jamie's. Now, those things were making their way into a new home.

With his back to the door, he slid to the hardwood floor, letting his loneliness finally slip through. His unheard tears quietly echoed through the now bare house.


After the third unanswered knock, Winter was worried enough to pull out the extra set of house keys (y/n) had given her and let herself in. The room that greeted her was desolate and cold, the only light source being the moonlight that crept through the window on the far end of the room. "(y/n)?"

She wished she had been able to be there for him, but as usual, work kept her occupied. She was still in her new Vacuan specialist uniform as she had come straight to (y/n)'s the moment she left the military headquarters. Had Jamie given them more notice about her impending move, Winter might've been able to get the day off, but unfortunately, it's not how it played out.

Winter walked through the empty room and up the stairs, listening for signs of her friend.


Over their time together, (y/n) had somehow pushed far enough into Winter's personal bubble to become good friends. Best friends even. From the time he was released to them working together at the Vacuan Special Operatives Unit, that relationship only grew and solidified. (y/n) had become her constant, dependable friend. This time though, he's the one she needed to be there for.

Finding Solace - An AU Winter x M!Reader book (Split Remnant AU)Where stories live. Discover now