Tuesday Morning

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Toosday woke up and shook his head to chase out the fly that kept buzzing in his ear. He was puzzled as to why he never notices the fly in his room until he's sleeping, and then why does the fly want to make a home in his ear? What attracts them to his ear? He figured there must be more to this then just a coincidence.
He looked around the room and tried to adjust his vision. As the room came into focus he saw the strobing lightening bolts bending themselves into half circles. The brightness was to much so he shut his eyes only to watch the flashing arcs dance across the back of his eyelids. Toosday had met this visitor thousands of times through out his life. It used to make him nauseous but over time he became accustomed to the vision change and now relaxed during this private fireworks display. During the light show his body would go numb, giving him a sense of being out of body, being detached from the physical world. With lack of all physical sensations his mind would open into a euphoria that was hard to ignore. He welcomed it yet in the shadows he knew what was next so that made it hard for him to fully enjoy, to fully embrace. The strobs will slow and fade as the pain in his head increases. Increases from the inside out until his head hurts to the touch, as if it were bruised, and his mind screams for healing sleep. And lots of it. Toosday knew the routine, while the lightning dances in his head he knows to take the migraine medication before the pain sets in. But the euphoria that came with the lights took him over so he fell back into the comfort of his pillow. He closed his eyes and watched the half circles. The zig zag of lighting would arc but never connect into a full circle though he wished they would. He willed them to, prayed for them to become a full circle because somewhere along in these visits his thinking evolved to the point that now he believed once the circle was complete it would become a porthole into another dimension. One he could poke his head into and look around. The dancing lights dimmed faster then usual. He waited for the pain to take over his head . For the first time in Toosdays life his vision cleared and no pain followed. Toosday swung his legs over the side of the bed. He rubbed his fingers on his head in a search for the pain. There wasnt any.
Toosday walked over to his desk and sat. He pushed the clutter aside that buried the top of his desk . There were zip lock baggies full of different electronic components on every desk and dresser top. The shelves were flowing with boxes of screws of all sizes, wiring of all gages. Projects galore filled his room. To an uncreative mind it looked like junk. But to Toosday it was his treasure.
He reached up to his scalp and pulled a single hair out of his head and place it on the desk. Tooesday had jet black hair that went well beyond his shoulders. He turned on the computer and began to google . Why do flies buzz ears when sleeping. As soon as he hit the search key the fly landed on the screen. Toosday
cupped his hand and swiped it across the screen and had the fly safely held in his fisted hand. Gently with his other hand he reached in as he slowly opened his fist in order not to let the fly escape. Now holding it carefully between his finger and thumb, with the other hand he searched for the hair on the desk. Once he found it he gently wrapped it around the flys neck. With the collar secure he grabbed the other end of the hair and let go of the fly. It flew to the extent of its leash then began buzzing in a circle. With his free hand Toosday reached for his tape dispenser and taped the hair to the desk. For alittle while anyway, the fly would be his pet. He didn't have many pets in his fifteen years on earth. A mouse here, a fly there. He did have a bird named Badonkydonk and a squirrel named Copernicus but he didn't consider them pets they were more like friends. Toosday rarly left his room and if he had a pet he would have to get it food. That meant leaving the comfort of his room which made his skin tighten. In his room his skin relaxed, his muscles relaxed, his nerves relaxed. Out in the world he shook from the inside out until it was visible to others. But if he stayed invisible to others he was fine. Invisibility wasn't Toosdays super power. In fact he stood out. A 15 year old 90lb boy with a 28 inch waist that still needed a belt and a thick mop of jet black hair that grew beyond his shoulders. His ears were so big they parted his hair and protrubed well beyond the normal height of human ears. Humongous some would use to describe them. His mom told him he had his dads ears. She didn't talk much about his dad. Toosday knew he had died when he was about four and knew his dad didn't like his big ears either, but that was about all he knew.
Because kids are kids they would stare at Toosdays ears and that made him increasingly self conscious so he got an idea to end the haircuts. The hair will cover my ears he thought. There was a little bit of a fight from his mom but eventually she gave in and his hair grew and grew and grew. He did it to cover his ears but no matter how long he grew it they kept popping out. When people stared at him he began using it by pulling his hair in front of his face concealing him from the world. Problem was he had his moms nose so it suck out beyond the hair. Moms Nose, dads ears sticking out of Cousin It standing on a skinny boy's shoulders while he's trying to hold his pants up, didn't exactly help him blend in. When your different people will look, and they did so Toosday decided he'd just stay in his room.
"Breakfast is ready." His mom yelled up the stairs. " Can I eat up here?" Toosday asked. Since this was the conversation she had with her son every morning for the past five years she had his plate ready and in her hand. Sitting it on a step she said. "Sure." She use to make him come down in the morning but it seemed to jumble his head for the entire day. It was much better to let him clear his head by himself in the morning. They had a routine , breakfast alone, lunch together in his room and dinner in the dinning room together.
Toosdays' mom had taken him to doctors at the request of his school. After another test and more tests they had no answer so let's do another test. Neither the doctors or the school could figure out what box to put him in. Assburgers, autism, attention deficit disorder, dyslexia, depression, schizophrenia, all and more they failed to diagnose. What they did discover is he had an extremely high IQ. Toosdays mom saw the torture he went through everyday going to school so she pulled him out when he was twelve for home schooling. In two years on the computer he had graduated. He took learning as search for the truth, each piece of knowledge could be grouped and regrouped. Like building blocks he could constantly rearrange until one day they'd all click into a position never before seen. So he spend most of his time collecting building blocks.
After he had his fill of breakfast he took the last piece of toast over to his window and opened it. He placed the piece of bread on the sill and sat back on his bed waiting for Badonkydonk to come get it. Like clock work the bird landed on the ledge to collect its meal only this time he came in fast and slid right through the open window into the room. He flew by Toosday and fluttered around the room banging into walls . "Its ok". Toosday said trying to calm the bird. It landed on his desk and begun to watch the fly doing its laps. Badonkydonks head was rotating to the circling fly putting him in a trance like state long enough for Toosday to slowly pick him up. He set the bird next to the toast and Badonkydonk scooped it up and flew away. Toosday decided it was time to let the fly go out the window too but when he got back to his desk it had already freed itself. What are the odds it flew out the window? Toosday thought to himself. Then decided. No, it'll be back in my ear tonight.
Toosday grabbed another chunk of the toast and made his way to the small door in the wall that lead into the rafters. Once in he crawled to were he had a hinged door up through the roof. He pushed open the door and popped his head out of the hatch. He pulled him self up on the roof where he was able to climb into the oak tree that grew next to the house. Off the roof was the only way to climb the tree without a ladder since it had no low hanging branches which made it for Toosday as safe as his room. His mom wasn't so sure but in the end even helped him put the door in the roof. It got him outside more then he would of without it so she went all in and brought him all the supplies he needed. Up in the tree Toosday nailed flat pieces of wood to some of the branches making perches he could sit on. From one perch he could look out back at the pond where his neighbor Jimmy would catch frogs and put them on the hook for a sure bass. He reached up to the highest perch and laid the toast down. With in minutes Copernicus came scrambling up the tree to the treat. Just then Jimmy pointed his bb gun up at the squirrel.
"Don't shoot." Toosday yelled.

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