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THE WARMTH OF THE SUN WAS THE FIRST THING WANDA MAXIMOFF FELT. The next was the pain pounding in her head.

Wanda groaned. She sat up, bringing her hand to her head. Was this what the afterlife was supposed to be? An empty forest and a raging headache?

But she shouldn't be feeling any pain. She died. She felt herself die. She turned to ash.

But here she was, living, breathing, with a pounding headache.

Wanda climbed to her feet, stumbling. Breathe. Just breathe.


Where was Vision?

But she couldn't find him. She couldn't breathe. Her breath caught in her throat, a red mist dancing around her fingers. Wanda clenched her fists, closing her eyes.

All she saw was that image of Thanos ripping the mind stone out of his head, Visions gray body hitting the ground with a light thud. He was an empty shell.

Nothing but an empty shell.

Wanda opened her eyes.

And she saw... a tree?

No, a tree stump. A huge, tree stump in the middle of the forest.

That wasn't there before. This wasn't even where she died in Wakanda. She woke up somewhere else.

Wanda tapped her earpiece. "Hello? Sam?" Static. "Steve? Barnes? Can anyone hear me?"

Nothing but static. She tried for Nat. Nothing. No T'Challa or Banner either. Just empty static.

Well, shit. Wanda thought.

Wanda started walking, not knowing where she was going, hoping to find her way back to civilization. The more she walked the more she realized this looked less and less like Wakanda. Different trees. Different air.

Wanda couldn't explain it, but this was some place foreign. Wanda was ecstatic when she came to a road. So she wasn't in an endless forest after all. That gave her some relief at the least.

Wanda followed the sign, making sure the cars that passed her ignored her. She came to the final conclusion that she was definitely not in Wakanda by a simple look at the cars. Now she just needed to figure out where.

And how.

Wanda came to a sign, looking both ways to cross the street before she read it. She didn't want to die twice. How uneventful it'd be for Wanda Maximoff, the Scarlet Witch, to get hit by a car, after she had turned to dust about an hour ago.
HYDRA would laugh in her face.

 𝐋𝐈𝐓𝐓𝐋𝐄 𝐑𝐄𝐃 ⇄ (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now