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WHEN MEETING DEATON, Wanda couldn't pinpoint the strange energy radiating off of him in waves. It truly felt strange; mystical, in a way of sorts. Not the same amount or type of energy she had received from an infinity stone (that thought made her heartache. She missed Vision dearly) but the energy was strong nonetheless.

She hadn't noticed it when she was with Liam, or when she had been trailing Liam and Scott. But being surrounded by the— others, their power signatures were overwhelming. The sheer power had hit her the moment she had entered the building.

First, there was the Banshee. Lydia Martin, the pretty strawberry blonde who's aura reeked of death. She was kind, and greeted her formally. She politely explained what exactly a Banshee was to Wanda, sensing her confusion. Her red-tinted hair reminded her achingly of Nat, but the similarities ended there.

Then, of course, there was the were coyote, Malia Tate, who Wanda had met briefly in the tunnels. Her grumpy demeanor had not changed, though she was in a much calmer mood. Wanda guessed her plans to go to Paris were put on hold. Wanda could only connect to Sam, with her dry sense of humor and straightforward attitude. Wanda would hate to put those two in a room together, fearing they might cause something to explode.

Being closer to Scott McCall, it was clear that he was a leader. Despite appearing as someone who doesn't like being left in charge— he reminded her of Steve, his authoritative but gentle tone and the way he carried himself resembled Rogers too much.

The human, Stiles Stilinski (Stiles? She chose not to question it) who had put a hold on an FBI internship to be here (who couldn't go five minutes without mentioning it.) who at first sight, wasn't very impressive. When she asked what he was he described briefly being possessed by "an evil demon who was hellbent on killing everyone." But other than that he was completely human, who could wield a bat and usually keeps everyone alive. (Which received an eye roll from multiple people in the room). He had Tony's snarky attitude and lack of optimism. Wanda was sure if given the proper resources he'd reach Stark's level of intelligence, which was a scary and frustrating thought.

There was Liam, of course, who Wanda had spent some time with. The closer she got the more she realized how he reminded her achingly of Pietro.

There was the Chimera, Theo Raeken (for a second time in a night, Wanda had to ask what something was. It was a mix of multiple species, apparently. Primarily a wolf) who was not technically part of the 'pack'. But Liam had insisted he be there, to Stiles and Malia's dismay.

The hellhound, Jordan Parrish— who she connected to Bruce—who had recovered from the last time Wanda had seen him, was there as well. Not on fire, she might add. If Wanda believed in a God she'd be praying that the hellhound wouldn't burst into flames and kill them all right there and now. She was raised Jewish, but ever since that first bomb dropped, Wanda didn't believe in any gods, not anymore.

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