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A/N Honestly? Wasn't expecting this to get that many reads.

    THERE WAS DEATH HERE. A lot of death.

    Wanda could feel it.

    She found herself trailing a lot of Beacon Hill residents, lately. That has led her to find some... unsettling, discoveries.

    A horde of dead wolves was the first thing she found. Every single time she had stepped foot into this odd little town she made a new discovery. And honestly? She hated it.

    She had watched lacrosse practice from the bleachers— Wanda had changed her clothes, no longer standing out like a sore thumb. She felt bad for messing with the cashiers' mind in order to get them.

    Maybe it was just her luck that the strange boy from the library was here, standing on the outskirts of the field, seeming to be mid-argument with the coach.

    From Wanda could hear, it was about a player that was currently missing-in-action.

    She watched as the said player ran onto the field. She watched him catch the ball in his net before it had the chance to hit some poor kid in the face.

    She watched as the kid was tackled, hitting the ground with a hard thud. She watched as the library boy ran forward, talking to the younger one, covering his head.

    Wanda's eyes narrowed. The younger one was freaking out. She read the name on the back of his jersey, Dunbar.

    "McCall!" The coach yelled. At least she had a last name. "What the hell was that? That wasn't a foul— that's called winning!"

    Dunbar calmed down, standing up with McCall. Wanda was the first one to notice the bloody, injured wolf wandered into the field.

    The players grew tense, leaning in and whispering to each other. Wanda stood up, ready to use her powers if needed. She hated the thought of making her presence in this world known, but she wasn't also very keen to the idea of letting a bunch of high schoolers die to a wolf.

    Wanda watched McCall have an intense staring contest with the wolf. The wolf eventually backed down, limping into the woods.  The rest of the team left for the locker room, McCall and Dunbar slipping into the woods, unnoticed.

     Unnoticed by everyone but Wanda, of course.
    Were they insane?

    What was with American boys and their crazy death wish? Wanda thought back to her teammates— old, team mates, Wanda reminded herself— Steve, flying a plane into the Arctic, Tony, flying a nuclear bomb through a wormhole. And Clint charging head first into a battle with deadly robots with just a bow and arrow.

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