Ring Of Keys

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Happy Taylor is on SNL Tonight Day! ;) I can't wait to watch the performances in the morning because I'm genuinely about to fall asleep haha. For those of you who are staying up- here's a fun little fluff chapter to kill a few minutes during the wait haha. Enjoy/comment/vote xxxx


June 11, 2027


On Friday evening, after work, I very quickly head home, where I meet up with my wife, who has just come from a voice lesson.

"How was your session today?" I ask her.

"It was good," she nods. "I think that it's coming along nicely. Most of my material is the same from the original Broadway production, or at least close."

"That's good," I state. I know that she's quite fond of the original Broadway production.

"Yep. I have nearly everything memorized, so I think that it'll just be a matter of me learning blocking and such. Everyone else already knows most of their blocking and they're in the polishing stages, so they can work with our choreographer while I'm working with Gabi and my scene partners."

"That sounds like a plan," I tell her. "Don't worry about it. Now, we need to get going, so I'm just going to get changed real quick, then we can be on our way over to Taylor's."

Since Harper needed to go get the key for Taylor's New York City apartment, Taylor and Joe were so kind as to ask if we wanted to come over for dinner, as a bit of a send-off for my wife.

I don't know how they manage to do it- host so many friends whenever they please, while still having a baby under the age of one at home. Their little girl, Audrie, is growing up so much, though, and Harper and I adore seeing her. She's not requiring attention all of the time now, which is nice for Taylor, who can sit her in her play seat and go off to do other things in the house, for at least a few minutes before Audrie is crying for a diaper change or another feeding session.

Right after I get changed out of my work clothes and into my Nikes and a tee shirt, Harper and I lock up the house and head over to Taylor and Joe's flat.

Taylor opens the door for us, holding Audrie against her chest. "Hey guys," she smiles. "Come on in. Harper, how was New York?"

"It was great," she smiles. "I can't wait to get started with the show."

"I'm so proud of you. So, before I forget, here's the key." Taylor grabs a key off of a side table in the foyer of her flat. "Can I get you two anything? I've got beer, wine, tea, coffee, water... um, apple juice boxes, if that's what you'd fancy..."

"Actually," Harper laughs, "could I have an apple juice? Possibly diluted with water? Like half and half?"

Taylor laughs as I give her a side glance.

"Don't judge me, Patrick Alwyn. I'm going into show mode, and it's too hot out to have tea. And I've already had about a litre of water today."

"I wasn't judging," I laugh, throwing my hands up in defence. Both of us start to laugh.

"Patrick, what would you like?"

"I'd fancy a beer, if you don't mind."

"Coming right up," Taylor smiles. We follow her into the kitchen, then she quickly sets Audrie down in her Pack'n'Play that's set up in the attached living room. Taylor pours a juice box into a glass, then mixes the drink with water for Harper. Then, she pulls a bottle of beer out of the fridge for me. She pours a glass of water for herself, then the three of us sit down in her living room.

"Where's my brother?" I ask Taylor, once we are sitting. "Did he decide to not make an appearance?"

Taylor laughs. "Yeah, he's hiding from you."


"No, I'm kidding, love. He was at some photo shoot today for some underwear company, and it was supposed to wrap about half an hour ago, but it must have ran late."

I let out a chortle. "An underwear company? Is that the best he could do?"

"I don't know the specifics," Taylor admits. "I think it's some sort of 'celebrity partnership' thing. All that I know is that he got loads of free boxer shorts for it, and he's getting paid a pretty hefty sum as well."

I smirk. "I'm still going to make fun of him for it."

"Brotherly love," Taylor tells Harper, rolling her eyes. My wife giggles, then Taylor shifts the topic. "So, about the apartment. You know where it is, right?"


"The address is on the internet, so you might get some fans coming and taking pictures on the doorstep. Just ignore that. You shouldn't get any photographers, since it's pretty well known that I'm staying in London, but if they appear, just try not to get stressed about it. No offense, love, but no photographer is going to make very much money trying to sell a picture of a West End star to People magazine."

Harper laughs. "That's true."

"If anything starts working weird, like if the toilet or air conditioner decides to break, then don't stress. There are phone numbers taped to the fridge for all sorts of maintenance people. The apartment building staff will handle some of it too. If you can't figure it out, don't hesitate to give me a call. You can feel free to have friends over, and there's not a lot of food around there, but you can help yourself to any of it. There's a grocery store within walking distance, for when you need it. It'll come up on Google maps. The subway is super easy to get to, as well. Um... That's about all that I can think of, but if I think of anything else that you'll need to know, I'll-"

She's interrupted by cries coming from the little girl beside us.

"That's my cue," Taylor laughs, standing up. "Time for a diaper change, isn't it, little girl?" she coos, kissing her little girl.

"You're such a good mommy," Harper smiles at Taylor as she changes Audrie's diaper at what seems to be a record-breaking speed.

"That's called practice. I've been at this for eight months now. You should see some people, once they're on their, like, fourth child." Taylor pauses. "All good, Auds?"

Of course, the infant doesn't respond.

"That's a yes," Taylor laughs. "Do you want to sit with Auntie Harper for a little bit? Harper? Do you want her?"

"Of course!" Harper squeals. She always loves holding Audrie. I love my wife's enthusiasm for it.

"Someday," I whisper in her ear as she holds the baby. It doesn't require any more explanation. Harper knows what I'm telling her: someday, it'll be our little baby in her arms. I just know it.

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