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Happy Friday! I'm thinking a double update today... if that's good with you all ;) enjoy/comment/vote on this one and I'll see you all again in a few hours! Xxx


July 7, 2028


As I walk into the theatre with Brittney, who I just happened to run into, walking towards the theatre from the tube, the two of us are giggling and talking. That's when I suddenly remember something.

"So," I wink at her, "today's the day that I finally get to meet that girl of yours."

"Oh, right," Brittney replies. "Yeah, Lucy's coming tonight."

"I'm so excited," I insist. "I'm sure she's lovely."

"She is." Brittney twirls a strand of hair around her finger nervously. I know that she's a bit worried about having her new girlfriend come to see the show. It's sort of going to be her moment of coming out to the entire cast.

"Who all knows so far?" I ask.

"Honestly? Just you..."

"Not even your mum?" I ask.


"Brit, you've got to at least tell her. Isn't she coming out to visit soon?"

"She'll be coming for a visit next month. I've got some time."


"I know, I know, I've got to tell her. I'm just trying to get through this evening first. I'm worried."

"Lots of people in our cast are currently in, or at least have been in same-sex relationships," I assure Brittney. "You needn't worry about tonight. Nobody is going to care in the slightest."

"God, I hope you're right."

"I promise."

Once Brittney and I make it to our dressing room, and Ella is already there, working on her pin curls, we allow our conversation to come to a brief halt. Sitting down at our respective stations, Brittney and I begin to work on our makeup.

It isn't all that long until Laura comes in.

The four of us girls talk and laugh lightheartedly, until we are all ready and get our call for our top of the show places.

"Go kill it out there," I whisper to my best friend. "Impress your lady tonight."

She rolls her eyes at me, but lets out a laugh.

"Lucy knows next to nothing about this business. She'll be impressed no matter what."

"That's how Patrick was like when we first met. Now he thinks he's some sort of musical theatre connoisseur, because he's seen so many shows with me."

"Oh my god,"Brittney snorts.

At that, I run off to my spot for the top of the show. Since Brittney doesn't come onstage for almost an hour into the production, she stays in the dressing room with Ella for a bit. In a traditionally staged production of Les Mis, they would both be in the ensemble for a good portion of the first act, but since this is a concert staging, we have a larger cast so that this isn't necessary.

Eventually, it's time for me to step onstage. I feel a rush of adrenaline as I look out into the audience and see bright lights shining back at me. I take my spot at my microphone and sing through the words that were written so long ago, yet are still being performed today. That's incredible.

Before I know it, it's time for 'I Dreamed A Dream.' This has become a moment that I look forward to, really all day. Since it's such a famous song, I know that the audience is looking forward to it, and I'm so lucky that I get to deliver it.

Before I know it, my stage time is over. All that I have to do now is sit in my dressing room until the last scene of the show.

At the interval, the girls and I have a little dance party, then Ella and I drink a cuppa together, since she isn't on for most of the act, either.

Once the show wraps up, Brittney and I come back to the dressing room and start to get changed. We hear the tannoy in our room, "Brittney, your guest is here."

"Miss America, did one of your friends hop across the pond to see you?" Laura asks.

I look at my friend, who has a momentary look of panic cross her face. I don't know what she's going to say.

"No, it's somebody who I've met in London," is the only answer that Brittney gives. "Harper, you ready?"

"Just a second," I reply, pulling my post-pin curl hair up into a ponytail and slipping my jean jacket over my shoulders. "Okay, I'm good."

I promised Brittney that I would go out to meet Lucy with her. I don't know why she wants that, but probably just moral support.

A lady who I presume to be Lucy is waiting right inside of the stage door. Brittney runs up and gives her a hug, and I give an awkward little wave.

"You must be Harper," Lucy says to me. "I've heard so much about you."

"All good things, I'd hope," I laugh, giving Brittney a wink.

"Of course," Brittney giggles. "Lu, do you want to come backstage?"

"Sure," she smiles. The three of us walk towards the stage, where Brittney gives her girl a little tour, then I take a few pictures of the two of them together on the set. As we do this, I speak with Lucy a bit, and she seems like a wonderful woman.

"You want to go out for a drink?" Brittney suggests after this. "I'll treat."

"Umm..." I hesitate, thinking of my little girl at home.

"Harper, come on," Brit pesters me.

"I don't know, what if Millie needs something?"

"Patrick is perfectly capable of taking care of her," Brittney says. "I'll treat. Come on. I want you to get to know Lucy a bit more."

"Let me ring P and see if he's alright with it, okay?" I say, stepping away from the two for a moment. I see them strike up a conversation with Ella and hope that everything goes well.

Of course, Patrick tells me that I should go out with Brittney, so as hesitant as I am to do so, I soon find myself in a bar with my best friend and her girlfriend.

I can tell that the two of them are very happy together, even though they appear to be taking things slowly, which is fine. They're a bit hesitant to publicly show affection.

There were certainly some times when Patrick and I, even when we weren't public with our relationship, went into a bar full of people who we didn't know, and we were all over each other. Brittney and Lucy aren't like that, but I can certainly tell by the little blush that crosses their cheeks whenever their fingers brush against the other's that they are still just as smitten.

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