The Date

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~ The Date ~

"My God, Alfred, that was exquisite."

While the lady's attention was on Alfred, Bruce shot a warning glare to Daire, tilting his head slightly. The silent message- go away- was loud and clear.

"Every ingredient fresh and organic. Shipped in daily from a farm Master Bruce owns," Alfred, ever polite, boosted.

But the girl stayed, watching. At least she kept out of sight, but Bruce hadn't told his girlfriend about Damian and Daire yet.

"You cook, you clean, you run the household. I'm impressed," the beautiful lady complimented.

Bruce mouthed, "No patrol."

"You should have seen me in my days upon the stage, Miss Vanaver. My Falstaff was even better than my coq au vin."

With a inaudible but visible huff, she disappeared.

Alfred left, leaving Bruce and his date alone at the table.

"He's quite the character."

Bruce turned his attention back to his date, forcing a twinge of a smile. "When I was little, I was- Well, let's say I was a very serious child."

"Unlike the zany madcap you are now?" she lightly teased.

"Alfred's the only one who could ever get me to laugh," he admitted.

"After three months together, I like to think I can too." She looked down at her drink, fretting.

He walked over and assured her, "You can, Samantha. You do. That and so much more. There's something I want to show you." Her hand in his, he hurried down the hall, knowing exactly where he was going.

"Your bedroom, I'll bet," she suggested, hinting.

Despite the rumors, that wasn't all Bruce Wayne did with women. "It's still early. Come take a look at this."

Bruce lead her to a room filled with book shelves and books. A couple couches sat proudly in the middle, and a table stood several feet away. He guided Samantha over to the table, its contents hidden by a sheet.

"A new hobby?" she asked, curious.

He removed the sheet, revealing a model of what Gotham City could be. A cleaner, better, safer city.

"An old one, actually. The care and feeding of Gotham City." He removed the sheet, showing a model of Gotham City.

"Hm. That's one of the things that drew us together, wasn't it? The Waynes and the Vanavers have both spent generations trying to make this city great."

"My father had a saying: "Tomorrow is one dream away."
Sentimental words, I know, but they stayed with me even after my parents were killed. Rather than focus on the demons, on the darkness, on all that's wrong with Gotham- something I've been guilty of for too many years- it's time to focus on how exceptional this city is." The model of Gotham City grew taller, grander, blue holograms showing all that was left to be built. "And how much better it can be- will be tomorrow. But before we can build it, we have to dream it. And luckily, I have the imagination and the capital to do both."

"And all they write about is the billionaire playboy." Samantha leaned against his strong build, admiration shining in her eyes. Bruce was so innocent and pure. He wanted what was best for Gotham. Yes, he'd surely join her in making their city a better place.

"Not to worry. He's here too."

They leaned in for a kiss, cut off by snores.

The unnoticed figure on the couch shifted, breathing out a groan. "Unh, I was reading. I must've fallen asleep. What's- What's going on?" Small hands rubbed at tired green eyes, then pushed him up to his feet.

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