July 4, 3025

4 1 0


   Oh! According to the books I read, this day use to stand for independence. Unfortunately, because of the Gate it no longer has any holiday symbolism. I talked to some older Earthians, and they described it so vividly and made me wish I was there to see it in all its glory. My favorite part is the firework even though I never seen them they sound so unbelievable and made up. The training is hard, not because of my dragon. it's the point that you should learn how to fight while riding. I unfortunately have the only dragon right now. So, I must either train by myself or join the other group which will end with, me and Eclipse getting told we can't train with them. It's hard on Eclipse when we get kicked out of the separate groups. The worst one was with a group training their Wyverns I hoped that it would be a good substitute for not having any dragons at I was off margin so far. That it only took them a short time to remove us from the training. It only took us to be kicked out of most of the groups. I went and asked Lord Chase, if he knew any reason why we kept getting kicked out of most groups. Lord Chase just told me to keep trying. The trainings getting a little harder for us. (sarcastically) Not at all, because of some rude riders who only care about themselves. The instructors have had no idea what they have been doing for the last week. There's a time where I almost died. Eclipse and I were training by ourselves, and an arrow whizzed right passed Eclipse's head which made him jolt backwards and made me fall out of his saddle. I was almost to the top of the tree line, when Nick and his partner saved me. That was an awesome save!

Signing out, Phoenix

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