July 26, 3025

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Now, I got the hang of it. Eclipse is natural just zooming around missing everybody there were some close calls with the wyverns. But all in all, we're doing good. Well, that might end tomorrow because, we' re going against Redthorn, then a short break and then the finals. The four teams that made it till now are my team, Redthorn, Ragnarok, and the lunar knights. Nick is having a little problem with Tora. She is giving him crap. Piper talks too much I don't think she will ever shut up. James and Aaron are bickering about who's third in charge because I'm apparently 1st and Nick is 2nd. supposedly our mounts were having a conversation about us the riders and how we have no idea how much power they really have. Which got me curious so much that I snuck out of my room and went to the library. I started looking at the books that the lords brought over from their world, unfortunately, some of the books I couldn't read because, they were in a different language.

Lucky me, someone else had the same idea with going to the library lord Chase was there studying per usual trying to make his father proud of him even though it seems that everybody ignores him whenever possible. I think I get along with him a lot more than the other lords, he tried to learn Earthians language even though he kind had no knack for it and it didn't help that our English is completely different from what we call Mythians lettering. I kinda think it's my fault because I don't think I'm a very good teacher. however, both languages have 26 letters and some of the same pronunciations.

Mythian language is hard and I hope I can learn it, so I would have a leg up on the mythians who only know their language. With all the ways of learning the language, there's still a chance of me not fully grasping the language. The history book wasn't that helpful because it was some auguries behind the different kinds of dragons especially the color of them. That gives no help unless you want to scare yourself with it or be so intoxicated by it that you lose everything. Most of the dragon colors were good omens but there were a few that were not so good. The colors gave us some augury to either watch for or anticipate.

The omens of the colors:

1. Red: there will be destruction and renewal

2. White: someone will bring a regal hope to all

3. Blue: no omen because it's this when hatched

4. Black: mass loss of hope no turning back

5. Brown: someone will become a nature healer

6. Orange: the rider will have fox-like deception

7. Yellow: someone will have limitless hope

8. Teal: the dragon will become a wishful thinker

9. Purple: a person or dragon will become a seer

10. Green: a peace- bonded fate

The blue color has no omen because they start out that color when they come out of the egg. The only dragons I know about is the two kings. Dragons from a couple of hundred years ago that purple and the other one is white and now mine a red/ white dragon. I asked Chase what it meant to be multi-colored and he didn't know considering that there hasn't been one ever. Then he left because he needs to sleep and, so I kept reading about my team and their dynamics compared to past winners of the SLT. It was a flop because my team is so unconventional that I don't think it could help us. Most of was about each speciality like griffons are smart, hippogriffs are loyal, wyverns are fast, Pegasus are whimsical, and dragons are bringers of omens. It just got noisy in the library tonight.my curiosity is edging me forward to find out what they're talking about I recognized one of them, it was Dante the leader of Ragnarok. Oh Crap! They are talking about sabotaging the tournament tomorrow. I better go, but I also want to find out how they are going to do it. Oops! They heard me got to go.

Signing out, Phoenix

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2019 ⏰

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