Chapter 2

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 The next day I went into 1st period looking for Duze. I looked around and didn’t see him anywhere.I sat down in my seat and started on the work Mr. Armstrong gave me. Science is more complicated than it sounds. The window in this room was massive you could see literally everything. I also could see Duze and Blaze down in the student parking lot, They look like they were arguing about something. Blaze started to walked away but Duze started to follow her,she turned around and slapped him. Did something happen last night that I didn’t know about. Are Duze and Blaze in some kind of secret relationship. The bell rang, it felt like I only been in the class for 10 minutes.  I started towards my 2nd period class when someone grabbed me from behind “Hey baby what’s up.” I turned around, Mamoru was had a black tee shirt and some black jeans on.
 “Nothing much just heading to my 2nd period.” 
“Same, baby do you have Mr, Jones.”
“Yes, how do you know that.”
“Let’s just say that Blaze let me look at you schedule ,”
“Stalker much,”
“Not really, speaking of Blaze have you seen her she skipped 1st period.”
“I seen Duze and Blaze in the student parking lot why what happened.”
“You saw Blaze and Duze in the parking lot together, alone.”
“Yes, Why is there something going on that I don’t know about?”
“Come with me we have to go find them.’
Me and Mamoru went outside the school towards the school parking lot. We could hear the yelling before we even saw them. Blaze was crying and yelling at the same time. Duze was so close to Blaze it didn’t make sense to yell. Mamoru went up to Duze and pulled him away. I went up to Blaze and she fell on my shoulder. “I love him.” she said in between sobs. She’s in love with Duze and he doesn’t love her. It looked like something straight out of a movie, “Paradise,let take them to my car. I held onto Blaze as we walked to Mamoru’s car. His car was red and a 2015 Nissan. We got into the back and Duze got into the front. It was quiet at first the only that was  heard was Blaze crying and Duze’s rushed breathing. Mamoru started his car and pulled out of the parking lot. We ended up in front of my house since Blaze didn’t want to go home. “I’ll see you later baby.”Mamoru said. I waved him goodbye, because this wasn’t a time to argue. I opened my front door and first Blaze in. “Hello, Eden is that you,”mom said. “Yes,it was a life or death situation.” My mom came rushing to us with the look of concern in her face. “What happened.” “I don’t wanna talk about it,” Blaze said. “Take her to your room Eden, I’m gonna get you guys something to cool off,”. We entered my room and Blaze fell to the floor. I tried to pick her up but, she didn’t want me to. I put a blanket over her and  pillow under her head. Here you go…” My mom said while walking in the room. She had a tray with snacks on it . My mom came and laid beside Blaze. “I know this weird but who are you child,”, “Mom this is Blaze my friend from school,The one I went out to eat with.” I said. My mom got up and pulled me outside my room.
 “Eden you are grounded,you have skipped school,went out past your curfew and brought a stranger to my house,’
“Mom she isn’t a stranger she’s my friend.”
“You’ve only been to that school two days I  need to meet all your friends and their parents before they come over here now,’
“Ok, yes ma’am”
I walked back into the room, Blaze was sitting on my bed. 
“You doing ok”  I asked
“Do I look ok?” Blaze replied sarcastically
“What happened out there.”
“Let’s just say that in love you should take risks and not think about what everyone else thinks.”
“Noted, my bathrooms right over there if you need to go.”
Blaze went to the bathroom slowly. She looked like she wanted to turn around and say something,but decided not to. I sat on my bed and wondered what had happened. Were Blaze and Duze in a secret relationship. Is She pregnant and  can’t tell no one. My mind was filled with all these assumptions. I couldn’t think of one that would make the most sense. Blaze walked out of the bathroom,her eyes were still red and her face was clean. Even though she cleaned up she still looked sad. “Let’s watch some movies or something I wanna take my mind off of this.” Blaze said looking at my movie stand. My room was big, when I first saw it. I was surprised of all the space I had. “What kind of movie you wanna watch.” “ Horror and I need gore but not too much I’ll vomit.”  I pulled out my favorite movie “Scream 2” out of all of them this one was my favorite. The movie started; me and blaze started to grab covers and pillows.

After we watched Scream, Blaze went over to Mamoru house. She didn’t want to go home for some reason and it left a bad feeling in my stomach so I just left the situation alone for the night and went to bed.

I tried to make this chapter short so the new chapter is going to be longer...

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