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He asked her to accompany him to his home near the Vancouver Coast. That period began a series of appearances and felt the need to have someone real beside him, not for his reputation. He barely knew her to be sure. Perhaps driven by her blindness, he immediately believed that Lavinia had nothing to gain by looking to her own best interests.

Although hesitant at first, she accepted. She was concerned with financial coverage of her expenses which her siblings were happy to cover.

"I invite you, Vinnie. And since I'm inviting you, your expenses are covered. Do you think I hadn't thought?" he told her adamant.

With the knowledge of the language of the Blind Braille, Lavinia managed to finish basic education with ease. After that, she intended to enter the university to study as a social worker. It was immediately the first specialty that came to her mind when she began to accept her permanent blindness.

Vince, on his tour, secured her space next to his so she could study and keep her close to him as he wished.

"You're all right in your room?" Vince asked.

"Yes. It seems to be big and it helps me move easily without..." she faltered.


"To collide with various furniture and objects," she said, clenching her lips awkwardly.

"I'm about to go to the studio for rehearsal. I'm gonna meet a new producer who's gonna get me ten gigs all over Canada. I want to be dressed to kill; impress him. I'm gonna get dressed and I'll be back," Vince said, drunk with enthusiasm.

Lavinia stood still on the office chair, lowering her eyes.

"Well? How do I look?" Vince asked her rushing into the room.

She flickered her eyelids frown. "You'll be nice," she said.

He bit his lip and grabbed her hand and put it on his colored jacket. She slowly moved her fingers catching the lapel, the buttons, and the shiny sequins on the side. His eyes followed her hand.

"What color is it?" she asked.

"Shiny gold."

"And the sequins?"

"The same."

"I think it's a bit much. It's like the '70s and we're four decades ahead."

"You think so, huh?"

"You better put on a white shirt, open a little front, and a pair of jeans; simply."

"Only that?"

"The producer will not choose you investing his money from the clothes you wear because he knows that's easily solved. He will judge you whether you are yourself."

He stared at her. "You're right. You could even tell me a few of those things and I see my manager looking for a job," he said jokingly.

"You don't need a lot of color on your clothes, Vince."

"And where it needs?"

"In your voice, when you sing. Keep that color you had when I first heard you. Maybe I didn't see you. And I'll probably never see you. But I heard you. And I saw you with my inner eyes. And you know, this eyesight is usually not wrong."

"Oh, Vinnie. How do you do that?"

"Everything is useful. You become my carnal light. I become your inner light."

"Which of the two is more useful?"

"What is most lacking."

"You'll shut me up like that, huh?"

"I'll light you up like this."

"I'm gonna change. As soon as I'm done at the studio, I'll pick you up for dinner. Don't disappear."

"I have no choice. But even if I did, I don't intend to," she said.

What she liked was Vince treating her like she was never blind. It was this spontaneous naivety of his when he forgot it sometimes, it was that it made her become more and more familiar with him.

He had asked his staff to help her with the outfit but she discreetly drove them away and prepared herself. With her senses guided, she chose a black dress with golden braces short enough, and a pair of silver sandals. The only ones her siblings had put in the suitcase. It wasn't that hard to figure out what clothes she had as long as she recognized them from their accessories.

When Vince saw her, he was impressed. He immediately ran to her and spontaneously solved her ponytail, leaving the chestnut hair to fall wild on her shoulders. He held her arms and walked her to his car. For the first time, she felt her darkness was nonexistent. She felt like she saw everything.

The distinctive Vancouver beachfront restaurant near his house was one of his favorites. He was going to start a series of concerts outside of Canada and he was very excited. He wanted to suggest that she accompany him.

"I don't know if I can get out of the country, Vince."

"Why? Are you wanted?" he jokingly asked.

"No, but it is not easy to carry a blind person with you."

"Nothing is difficult unless we do it. It's gonna be beautiful, Vinnie. Lights, dance, music, sparkle! Famous great people! For me, it will be the most important step in my career. It's gonna take me off. The whole world will know me. Out-of-country concerts will give me a chance to get my name heard everywhere! You understand that?"

She flickered her eyelids silently. She didn't want to spoil his mood, but something scared her at the same time. All that spontaneous enthusiasm was troubling her about his future. She was afraid of something.

"Listen carefully. Don't be happy with the lights and the glory. Live them up to where they cover you professionally. It's all up to the grave. That's it. Isn't it? These awards are useless in the next life," she told him with real interest.

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