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The island was heavily guarded. Highly trained warriors roamed in groups to ensure no outsiders infiltrated their territory.

Bejeweled swords, gold shields, and spears of pure silver adorned every warrior who patrolled the white sands.

Pirate ships were docked, loaded, and waited... ready to set sail at the least possible time needed to leave. Their port was located in four different directions, facing the major seas that surrounded the glittering terrain.

This island was home to the war god Malandok. He prided himself on his expertise in warfare, and in bringing fear to every seafarer who were unfortunate enough to encounter his fleet of pirate ships in their travels.

On this island, he stores every single treasure he has stolen, killed for, or taken by force.

Asuang walked the glittering shores beside the towering war god. He was deep in thought as he formulated every possible way to convince Malandok of a good reason to take interest in the moon god, Bulan.

"Your island is facinating, Malandok. It is quite spectacular. All the heaps of gold that glitter everywhere. Jewels that adorn every single house. A surplus of trinkets and expensive decorations your people are used to... but, there is nothing special." Asuang made his pitch.

"You are either blind Asuang, or you simply fail to understand how unique my island is." Malandok replied in a low voice, spreading his arms to direct attention to the large amount of treasures on every corner of his island.

"I have no intention of insulting you Malandok, merely pointing out that all the other gods have gold, jewels, and expensive decors in their palaces as well. What sets you apart from them? Surely, the brave and cunning war god must have something to prove his importance? Something, or someone, that the other gods do not have."

"What are you trying to imply?" Malandok stopped walking to turn a suspicious gaze at Asuang.

"There is something that most gods have been trying to possess lately. Both beasts and gods have been captivated by the seven moons.

"With the recent events where the Bakunawa has consumed most of the moons, they have now suddenly become a rare treasure. It was difficult before to catch their attention when there were seven of them... imagine how near to impossible it would be now that they have become nearly extinct?

"If you succeed in claiming one for yourself, that would be a feat no other god has achieved. It would be so rare that it would put you on a pedestal. A god who would be the envy of everyone."

"A trophy?" Malandok inquired.

"Exactly!" Asuang exclaimed.

"Tell me more, Asuang. I am beginning to see your point."

"There is one moon that illuminates the sky, but she is damaged. One side red from her unhealed wounds, the other blue from bruises inflicted by the Bakunawa. I don't think she is worth your stature. I suggest you direct your attention to the younger one... Bulan." Asuang told Malandok.

"Bulan. So what makes this other moon worthy of my attention?"

"He is perfect! His light is the brightest. He is young and untainted in every way. He is more than a catch. With him by your side, you will be envied and admired by all the gods, as well as all the beasts and creatures on this planet." Asuang further explained.

"And where can I find this Bulan?" Malandok asked, placing his hands on either side of his hips. He was both intrigued by the notion of owning something to boast against the other gods, as well as curious about the young Bulan.

"The god of death desires Bulan, and has been relentless in pursuing him. I suggest you take immediate actions. The way I see it Sidapa is close to achieving his goal. The moon god has taken a liking to him, and spends most of his time with the god of death at mount Madjaas. That is, until a couple of nights ago when they had an arguement.

"Bulan has fled to be with his grandfather Kaptan. He spends his time frolicking all over the planet, trying to evade Sidapa. With Bulan susceptible to a little persuation now that he is vulnerable, due to his present falling out with Sidapa, it will be easy for you to win him over to your side, oh mighty war god."

"Then I shall set sail in pursuit of this runaway moon, I will hunt him down, and I will follow him to the ends of the Earth. I will flatter him, and I will woo him to no ends. I will make Bulan fall for me, and I shall accomplish what Sidapa has failed at... I will claim Bulan for myself."

And with that, the plans of Asuang was put into action.

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