Chapter 9!!!!!

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I think I'm free to type and publish these days.....for now😏. So read and enjoy and comment.🤗🤗

The detective sat on a velvet chair, contemplating about the billionaire's wife. He felt exhausted after all the events that had preceded and felt like giving up, his typical feelings of relentlessness vanished. After all, Edward was going to Edinburgh for vacation, not for another suicide mission, protecting a weak politician from the shadows of his evil past.

While Ariana Netsworth was complaining about all what had just happened, the politician approached the detective comparatively slower than he had done before. After a long pause that looked like it would never end, the protagonist sighed and glared at the blank faced politician. "What do you want?" the detective questioned warily and William exhaled deeply.

"I want to live...... And I can't do that without you detective. Your help is mandatory for me to live and make amends for all I......for what I have done," the politician inhaled the cinnamon scented air again and exhaled it wistfully. Edward sighed. No matter what grudge he held against people like Lawless, once they felt vulnerable, the detective felt guilty for not helping them when they needed it. He sighed again and looked directly in to the shining emerald eyes of the politician. "Let's find that box and finish this.....I only want a vacation and a long trip to the spa after that,"

Ariana stood up, a tight grip upon her wobbling belly. "What about me? You still haven't come to a decision? Urrrgh! Please!" she cried with pleading eyes and the spy  stared at the other two. "Come on guys! We can't leave her here. Alone. She's pregnant!" The spy reasoned out with a just and superior tone. "Can we stop EMPHASISING on the fact that she is pregnant? It's starting to get on my nerves. Can we highlight another point of her vulnerability?" the politician complained in an agitated tone.

"Hey! I'm not vulnerable! I have a P.H.D in Twai Kwon Do (that I did not buy off Ebay)!!!!" Ariana retorted aggressively and there was a sense of vexation transfused with the cinnamon scented air. The spy jumped in to the middle of the verbal brawl of the billionaire's wife and the politician, the anger escalating between them. "Stop this! We won't be getting anywhere by talking about each other's vulnerabilities! We have to come up with something!" she exclaimed and the two who had just fallen in to an argument turned silent immediately.

Edward remained silent throughout the conversation again, in depthful concentration about a plan. Suddenly, an idea breezed in to his vacant mind. "Aha!" he blurted out and the other three were caught, unanticipated. "Aha what?" the spy questioned intrigued, her finger raised to beckon William Lawless and Ariana Netsworth not to fight.

"I've got a plan!" the detective exclaimed, "this client 220 is in Compartment 16....and is clearly expecting Targerian. Let him think that Targerian is coming. We have to make Targerian go there and possibly make Ferdinanda Cruz rendezvous with him. With all of them in Compartment 16, we can seperate it from the rest of the train. And, this train can reach Edinburgh safely, with little resistance from this client 220's forces," the detective borrowed a few minutes from precious time to explain his flawed plan.

"A quality I admire you for is your power to improvise and immediately come up with plans, detective," the politician went on to continue without interruptions from the others, "But I suppose, as a politician, it is my job to criticize things. Your plan has many loopholes. What if Compartment 16 is a trap? And we need bait to make those two lunatics Targerian and Cruz go to Compartment 16, that is if compartment 16 is the real location of this anonymous client.....Plus, this client 220 must have all the compartments guarded with thugs disguised as passengers. Reaching Compartment 16 will be impossible and the train has seventeen compartments," the politician also borrowed a few more minutes from valuable time and apologized to it silently. There was no response from any of the others and the compartment remained silent.

After a hiatus of few minutes, there were a few slight nods from the spy and the billionaire's wife. "I UNFORTUNATELY agree with the politician on this, detective. Now, speaking with reference to my PHD in Observation and Comprehension (which I think is a real thing), I think that these loopholes should be closed," But before the billionaire's wife could continue, the announcement bell echoed through the train as it sped through the winding tracks in the changing landscapes of .

"Dear valued passengers of Unistar, please be informed that this train is will be travelling in fluctuating speeds. Please wear your seatbelts at all times and keep to your compartments. Thank you!" a human voice ran through their ears instead of an automated one.

"Unistar isn't doing this," Ariana commented and the other three nodded. "Changing speeds will distract passengers and will make it easier for them to get to us.... especially with you, Mrs Netsworth," the spy responded reluctantly.

"Hey! I can hear you, ok! Plus I'm careful!"

The detective sighed and gulped. He knew from the beginning that what was happening was inevitable then.

So hey guys, sorry for the delay again and hope you enjoy this,
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See You'll soon.....Adios!☮️☮️☮️☮️

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