Chapter 6!!!!!!

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The train was slowly regaining the speed it had lost and the chill was rapidly decreasing due to the rebooted heat supply of the heaters.

The words that the detective had just uttered, rattled the other two and they stood gawking at him in disbelief. "What's wrong?" Edward questioned with a cocked brow and a expressionless face.

The detective stealthily stole a peep at the politician and saw how petrified he was. He casually leaned back on to the wall of the compartment like he said or did nothing and slowly kept his face at the mortified politician to calm him down. Edward could see many thoughts floating in William Lawless's mind.

"Really?!?!!!??Acting casually after you say we're all gonna die?!?!?" The spy exclaimed flabbergasted. Edward gulped and sighed wistfully. "MI6 should really hire more advanced agents and spies with developed and mature brains!!!!" The detective retorted and the spy's face flushed with fury and converted into bloody red.

"Mind your words and mind what you speak detective because I don't know when I'll PUSH YOU off the train!!!! Your Spanish friend could catch up and kill you for me," She gritted her teeth aggressively.

"I'm acting like this to give hope and encourage Mr. Petrified VIP here! Inside, I'm truly mortified," the detective blurted out and the politician tried to conceal a smirk.  For a moment, the politician forgot about the threat on his life. "The train is slowly gaining speed. Let's get back to the First Class Compartment. Keep your disguises! And let's tie up these morons before proceeding!" The detective guestured at the unconscious thugs.

They confabulated for a little about the next area of what they would do while tying the thugs up, and couldn't come to a concensus about what the next phase was."Let's just go with the flow," the spy finally said dragging the criminals, who were supposed to be talking to the walls in their prison cells, to one corner of the compartment.

After gagging them, tightening the ropes that bound them and finally concealing them with stacks of crates, they walked out of the compartment which was partially engulfed with smoke and stealthily entered the succeeding compartment.

William Lawless took the lead, grabbing hold of a food cart which lay on the side of the aisle, and he slowly started to push towards the other compartments. His strategies sucked in the detective's perspective but as they were helpless, he was compelled to agree. Many displeased passengers were nochalantly standing engaged in verbal arguments with Unistar staff and the chaotic enviornment gave the trio the cover they so badly needed. The spy and the politician assumed the roles of employees working in the train  and there seemed to be no criminal activity in vision or sight.

Edward Swift remained unwavered and walked observently, aware that there could be thugs in disguise all around him.

They moved from compartment to compartment and the train seemed to stretch forever. He didn't recall seeing it stretch this far when it was bayed at King's Cross station. Edward sluggishly moved towards the spy and reached her ear. "I didn't have the time to be familiar with your name," he commented and the spy inhaled the warm air that was exhaled by the detective.

"I'm an agent, detective. A spy. I have many names. How many would you like to know?" She questioned teasingly and the detective nodded eagerly. "If I wanted to know all, I'm sure it would take long. Just one would suffice," He retorted and she smirked in surprise. "Selena Hayden,"

"Selena Hayden? You do look like a Selena. I mean, no offence, but how did you even get to MI6? You look like someone who could rather be a runway model in Venice," the detcitve replied and Selena Hayden abruptly stopped walking. She turned and faced him with irritation etched on her face. "What the fuck is wrong with you?! I MEAN RUNWAY MODEL?!?! I am perfectly capable of many things, detective.  Just stop with the fucking insults!"

"What do you mean?" He replied and looked forward and resumed walking behind the politician. Nobody seemed to have noticed what had happened earlier but the detective's expression turned sullen. 

"That was a compliment by the way," Edward muttered but the spy didn't move.  The sun light that illuminated this compartment revealed the beauty of the spy and the detective actually complimented her.

All these thoughts agitated him that he didn't notice what was happening until he collided with the spy. He was thrown back to reality and stared at what the others were looking at . A cleaner and advanced version of the schematics of the trains they had seen earlier was fixed on the wall at the rear end of the compartment. "This train has 17 compartments!?!?!?!?" Edward gasped and questioned dumbfounded.

The politician ran his right hand through the map of the Scottish Express delicately pointing at Compartment seven, which was where they were standing. "Compartment seven?!?!? But the first class compartment is from compartment 11 to 13!!!!" William cried after being awfully silent.

They moved through the succeeding cabin easily and entered Compartment 9 which was a small restaurant and a bar. It was illuminated by six giant windows on either side and small grey tables littered the blue carpet floor. A scent of sweet cinnamon enlightened the space and the detective inhaled it

A foreign man, with fair skin and dark, chestnut hair that tousled wildly in the cold breeze that was existing in the compartment, was seated by the bar, sipping a cup of Champaign.

The bartender was behind the counter cleaning emptied glasses. "Let's pause here..." The detective guestured at the politician and spy. They slowly started moving around and imitated the bartender, but instead of wiping glasses, they started to wipe the tables.

Edward approached the small bar and sat beside the foreign man, requesting a bottle of water from the bartender.  He started removing the lid when the foreigner reached for his pocket and  grabbed a gun, aiming it at the detective. He smirked.

"You shouldn't have thrown my girlfriend off the train...."

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