Chapter 4

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Okay. Kook, let's-" Taehyung began, completely serious.

"Don't fucking call me that!"
Taehyung visibly flinched at the angry curse directed at him, but right then, Jungkook didn't seem to notice. It was ending time and they had wordlessly agreed to discuss the project while walking.

Taehyun huffed,"Fine, Kook, we-"


"Sorry sorry. It slipped," Taehyung waved a hand carelessly at him,"So Kook, all-"

"Come the fuck on Kim Taehyung!" Taehyung flinched again, and this time it didn't go unnoticed by Jungkook, so he softened his glare. A bit.

"Koo-Look. We can stand here and do this till the end of time. But I care about my grade, so let's stop this crap."

"Then don't call me kook"

Taehyung's lips formed a thin line and he sighed, "Fine. First, let me ask you one you care for your music grade?"

Jungkook scoffed,"Of course! Who do you really think I am?!"

Taehyung tilted his head,"Calm down. No need to overreact..Anyways, we need to do this..."

"What?....why are you looking at me that way? You're creeping me out.." Jungkook looked weirdly at Taehyung, who was looking at him...expectantly? Sure, he lied that it was creepy, it was actually the cutest thing he'd ever seen, but he kept his cool.

Taehyung put his hand forward, wanting Jungkook to shake it, which he did.

"Truce," he said when Jungkook looked at him confused,"We need to end our-rivalry? Or whatever it is, so we can get a good grade."

"I see..but I don't really know why we started our rivalry in the first place." Jungkook said, trying to improve his 'truce' with the boy.

"It's because you were being a jerk to me in the library, Kook," Taehyung deadpanned.

Jungkook glared at him"Don't call me that! And if you hadn't thrown that cursed book at me, we could've actually become friends!"

Taehyung stared at him in amazemnt for a while,"You are really that desperate to become my friend?"

Jungkook scoffed,"Huh, as if a want some annoyung little nerdo as a friend."

Taehyung frowned,"Whatever, burnt sausgey kook."

An awkward silence engulfed them, until Taehyung decided to break it,"Soo where do you think we should meet up for the project? It should be someplace where we can concentrate...what do you think?" He looked at Jungkook.

Jungkook furrowed his eyebrows,"How about we come up with places later. Today was too eventful. My mind has currently stopped working."

Taehyung nodded, understanding,"You're saying that as if it ever works.Anyways, then give me your number so we can contact each other, Kook."

Jungkook rolled his eyes,"Whatever nerdo."

They exchanged numbers and went to their Rooms, wondering what crime they did in their previous life.

Later that night


Jungkook looked at his phone. He had received a message. He was about to go to sleep.

He picked up his phone from his nightstand. He was still lying on bed and he held his phone above his face to check the text.

Kim Taehyung 9:37
This is Taehyung in case you didn't know.
I want to maintain our truce, so I came up with some rules.
1. I will not call you Kook
2. You will not call me nerd
You can add more if you want tho.
I will prepare a contract, and we WILL sign it tomorrow!
Goodnight, Jungkook (*'・v・)

Jungkook smiled at Taehyung's texts and quickly types a reply.

Jeon Jungkook 9:39
Goodnight, Taehyung.

He smiles again, not knowing why. The phone slips out of his hands and falls right on his front teeth. He touched them in pain, " OUCHH"

Not proof-read.

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