Chapter 11

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We almost kissed! We almost Kissed! We almost kissed!! Omgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomgomg!

Not to mention the fact that he complimented me!!
Why the heck didn't that ride end later?


Shit shit shit shit

We almost kissed! Was I weird when I told him he did look beautiful?

Hopefully not..

He did look the most perfect guy on earth, though... His blonde hair looking angelic under the stars, his excited smile upon seeing the city. He is truly breathtaking..
Why the heck didn't that moment end later?


"Hey, Taehyungie, where are you going?" Jimin asked voice laced with concern. Taehyung had been moping around all week. After that night, he was okay for a while, but then-

"Hyung I am going to the library. I miss my books," Taehyung replied as he went out the door.

"Fine. Be back by 9. Or else I'll whip your butt."

Taehyung smiled a little,"Sure."

He was obviously not okay.

Jungkook hadn't even contacted him since that day. He didn't even look at him in class! How dare he?

Sure, he didn't talk to him either, but he was shy! Jungkook should know that!

So off the stubborn male went, to the library to get his mind off things.


Jungkook was mad. Taehyung hadn't even contacted him after that! How could he?

"Hey, kid. Why do look so angry? You all right. Something has been going on this week?" Yoongi asked as he looked at Jungkook.

"Yes hyung."

"Then why don't you talk about it? Come on. You can tell me."

"I don't want to."

"Okay. If that's what you want. Go take a walk on the grounds, why don't you? Get your mind off things?" Yoongi sighed.

"Okay. Thanks."


Goddammit! Why am I thinking of him here? This is the place where we first met.. I should just get a book and get out of here, before I start to cry. Isn't it too much?


"Shit I'm sorry! Let me help! I just wasn't concentr- Tae?"

Taehyung was carrying five books and Jungkook accidentally bumped into him. None had seen eachother. Taehyung, being too engrossed in his book, 'Illuminae' and Jungkook, too deep in thought.

Taehyung looked down,"I-it's okay. I will pick them up on my own.."

He fell down and picked up his books hurriedly. His eyes welled up seeing Jungkook so unbothered. He felt angry.

He was about to run before a hand grabbed his arm and a stern voice said,"Stop."

Taehyung didn't look back but he stopped moving.

"Let's talk."

Taehyung just nodded.

"Look at me."

Taehyung didn't budge. He was determined not to show Jungkook his ugly crying face.

"Kim Taehyung. I said look at me. Right now," Jungkook said getting angrier by the moment.

Taehyung was scared. Was Jungkook going to hit him? He sounded so angry.. He had never felt this timid his entire life. What was happening?

Tears started to fall. Shit. Not now. Please.

When Jungkook saw the shaking boy, his eyes softened. He was slowly realizing the misunderstanding.

"Tae, it's okay, look at me."

He gently put his finger under Taehyung's chin and pushed it up only to see the boy drowning in his own tears. Jungkook felt guilty for making him cry, and he pulled him to himself, sighing contentedly on the closeness. Never had they been this close, but, man, it felt like heaven, being in eachother's arms. Taehyung immediately wrapped his arms around him, and couldn't stop crying.

Jungkook looked down at him.

"Tae. Stop crying. You're okay."

"W-why did you ignore me?!"

"I'm sorry. I honestly thought that you were the one ignoring me. It was a misunderstanding. I 'm sorry.. Please stop crying.."

"J-Jungkook. Do you like m-me?"


"I said, do you like me?" Taehyung said, a bit more confident.

Jungkook paused. He looked into Taehyung's eyes,"..I do. I like you. A lot."

Taehyung smiled shyly," Me too. I like you too."

Jungkook detatched himself from Taehyung, leaving him confused. He looked at him, and pulled him close, this time closing the gap between their lips. Taehyung was shocked. But the sweet kiss made him melt. He kissed back, feeling total bliss.

They pulled away, and smiled at each other. Jungkook leaned and planted a kiss on Taehyung's lips.

Taehyung instantly turned red.

"Y-you kook!"

This time, at the name, Jungkook laughed.

"Let me drop you to your Room."


"Jungkoooook!" Taehyung whined," Why are you looking at meee?"

"You look beautiful. I can't help it."

"Stop being cheesy."

"Hmm, no."

Taehyung hmphed. He actually liked it when Jungkook was looking at him.

"There it is."

"It was too quick..goodbye kookie!" Taehyung said cheerfully. His day turned out to be very good.



"It's 9:30, you asshat! Get ready to get yo ass beaten! Do you know how dangerous it is at this time?! And you were alone! I was about to call the police, like, the heck?!"


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