Ch. 4- Ballroom Dancing pt. 2

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Everyone looked to see who the voice belonged to. It was this boy , with dark brown hair , and hazel eyes , and looked to dress quite proper.
"I'll be her partner," he said again, and walked my way until he stood next to Kol. "Now, would you carry on and go your way?" He said to him. Kol looked mad. He looked angry. He ripped his hand away from mine and walked out of class. "Mr. Adler!!!" his teacher shouted has he barged out of the room before he mumbled "fuck this."
"You okay, love?" The guy asked, looking me in the eye.
"I'm amazing," I replied sarcastically.
He chuckled and took my hand.
The rest of that class was actually fun. Ball dancing was a lot harder than I'd imagine. But the guy I had been partners with was amazing good at it. While we danced, I looked into his eyes. His beautiful hazel eyes , and he smiled. His smile felt as though I had no worries in the world. It made me feel as though I were floating. It was like a boost of energy. His smile was unlike any smile I'd seen before.
After class, I sat down on a bench, drained from all the dancing. Then suddenly, someone walked up to me.
I stared at the shoes for awhile. I didn't know who it was. Then, I thought to myself "maybe it's that boy I danced with." However, I looked up and didn't see the boy. I saw Kol Adler.

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