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C H A P T E R 1:
Sleeping beauty.

There is something about getting enough sleep. It makes you feel refreshed and alert, ready for the next day’s activities. If sleep is cut short, the body doesn't have enough time to recuperate.
Things like muscle repair, memory consolidation, and the release of hormones.

Teenagers need at least eight hours, a night of uninterrupted sleep. This helps their bodies and minds rejuvenate for the next day. Although Yemi doesn't know about the effect of having a sound sleep, she knew her body needed sleep. Before she had slept off, she couldn't believe she had the full, silky bed all to herself and a roof above her head. She was beyond happy, it felt like a dream come true. The fourteen-year-old lay on her bed with her legs and hands spread as if to leave no space on the bed.

On the other side of the house, a woman in her mid-thirties sat on her dining table with her kids; losing her patience. She yelled Yemi's name, her voice loud like a blaring speaker. Her kids thought it was going to destroy their eardrums or break their glass. But the sleeping beauty didn't stir in her room. The woman, Kesi, checked her wristwatch with a frown. It was already getting past seven. She needed to be there.

"Yemi!" She tried again.

"Aunty, it's no use shouting." Kesi's best friend’s daughter, Bubo, said. "Even if you shout from today till next January, she still won't wake up."

"She's been sleeping since nine in the morning and it’s past seven," Laye started with a sigh as he rested his back on his seat. "She's tired."

"What did she do to be tired?" Kesi asked.

"That's not an excuse. She sleeps like a pig." Bubo rolled her eyes.

Everyone ignored their mother’s question.

"Even pigs don't sleep for this long," Nimis added.

He was pissed off. He didn't understand why they should have to wait for Yemi before he could eat. His stomach grumbled, and the meal in front of him wasn't helping matters.

He hissed, shifting in his chair. "The kind of animal she is doesn't exist in any part of the world."

Even if he had mumbled, Laye who was sitting close to him heard and took offense. "Stop calling her an animal."

Nimis faced him as if to challenge him. "And what do you care?"

"She is our sister for crying out loud."

"If she isn't an animal then what is she?" Nimis asked, offended.

"She’s human for Christ’s sake!" Laye yelled, throwing his hands up in the air.

"Whatever helps you sleep at night." Nimis paused, "And she isn't our sister."

Laye flared. "She is!"

"She may be your sister, but she's not mine."

"Guys stop," Bubo said, covering both her ears with her hands. They ignored her and continued ranting.

"I’m fine with that. At least she doesn’t have a brother like you." Laye retorted. "Sadly, I'm not so lucky when it comes to that area."

"What is that supposed to mean?" Nimis asked, furrowing his scanty black brows.

"It means what it means."

"I’m going to slap you if you keep talking to me like that," Nimis warned.

"You will do no such thing." Laye dared.

"Try me and see."

"Empty threats."

"Stop it this instant, children!" Kesi, who couldn't take it anymore, shouted at them. "I
don't want to hear a word from either one of you until I ask. Is that clear?"

No one replied.

She hit her palm on the table. "Is that clear?!"

"Yes." both boys responded in unison.

"Good. Now, will someone go to Yemi's room and fetch her for me?" She asked but everyone sat glued to their chair.

"Have you all turned deaf?" She inquired.

They all shook their heads no, but no one stood up to do what their mother said. Kesi bowed her head and rubbed her face in exasperation. She wondered what she was going to do with them. They were stubborn and adamant like their father. She raised her head to look at whose chair was scraping backward.

Laye gave his mother a small smile. "I'll go," he said.

Kesi couldn't be more grateful that he had changed his mind. Laye was like the string holding the family together. Not only good looking but a peacemaker. Though he was slow to anger, he could be stubborn anytime he wanted to. Nimis was the complete opposite of his younger brother. He wasn't only stubborn and moody but could be so annoying to the extent one would feel like killing him. He gets irritated by anything which was one of Kesi's biggest problems with him. But, apart from being as good looking as his brother, he was the most intelligent of the bunch.

Bubo was her best friend’s, Ayliah, daughter. She had come to live with them for the main time until her mother returns from her trip. Kesi didn't like that she was a loudmouth. She eats a lot which explains why she is chubby and bigger than her age mates. She was a plus-size at ten and already looked thirteen. But, aside from her being a glutton and a loudmouth, she was intelligent. A beautiful, sweet girl who could be annoying sometimes. In other words, she was a mixture of the two boys.

When Laye got to Yemi's door, he tapped on it and called her name. There was no response so he slammed his fist on the door a little harder. It squeaked open, revealing the girl inside. His heart seized and he immediately regretted looking at her.

Yemi's wide legs were facing the door giving room for him to see her torn underpants.


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